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Packages from lcobucci

Package Status
lcobucci/action-mapper Front controller framework for PHP 5.3+ applications Dependency Badge
lcobucci/action-mapper-skeleton A pre-configured skeleton for the ActionMapper2 microframework Dependency Badge
lcobucci/behat-di-builder-extension A behat extension that allows injecting services from a container created with lcobucci/di-builder in contexts Dependency Badge
lcobucci/chimera-bus-tactician Service bus adapter for league/tactician Dependency Badge
lcobucci/chimera-foundation Base structure to connect PSR-7 objects to command and query buses Dependency Badge
lcobucci/chimera-mapping Useful annotations to configure the application layer of your software Dependency Badge
lcobucci/chimera-routing A collection of reusable PSR-15 components that connects Chimera to any framework Dependency Badge
lcobucci/chimera-routing-expressive Zend Expressive implementation for lcobucci/chimera-routing Dependency Badge
lcobucci/chimera-sample A sample project using lcobucc/chimera-* Dependency Badge
lcobucci/chimera-serialization-jms Adapter for jms/serializer which allows you to create messages to be handled Dependency Badge
lcobucci/clock Yet another clock abstraction Dependency Badge
lcobucci/coding-standard Lcobucci's Coding Standard Dependency Badge
lcobucci/content-negotiation-middleware A PSR-15 middleware to handle content negotiation Dependency Badge
lcobucci/di-builder Dependency Injection Builder for PHP applications Dependency Badge
lcobucci/display-objects A way to create UI components and use them as a object from your classes Dependency Badge
lcobucci/em-data-fixtures Data Fixtures for all Doctrine Object Managers Dependency Badge
lcobucci/error-handling-middleware A PSR-15 middleware compatible with RFC 7807 Dependency Badge
lcobucci/jose-parsing A basic Base64Url and JSON encoding/decoding implementation Dependency Badge
lcobucci/jwt A simple library to work with JSON Web Token and JSON Web Signature Dependency Badge
lcobucci/jwt-rsassa-pss An extension to lcobucci/jwt to handle RSASSA-PSS algorithms Dependency Badge
lcobucci/kafka PHP client for Kafka Dependency Badge
lcobucci/social Social authentication library for PHP 5.3+ Dependency Badge