14 total, 1 outdated
Package | Required | Latest | Status | |
doctrine/dbal | Powerful PHP database abstraction layer (DBAL) with many features for database schema introspection and management. | ^3.0 || ^4.0 | 4.2.1 | up to date |
doctrine/orm | Object-Relational-Mapper for PHP | ^3.1 | 3.3.1 | up to date |
doctrine/persistence | The Doctrine Persistence project is a set of shared interfaces and functionality that the different Doctrine object mappers share. | ^3.3 | 4.0.0 | outdated |
illuminate/auth | The Illuminate Auth package. | ^10.0|^11.0 | v11.37.0 | up to date |
illuminate/console | The Illuminate Console package. | ^10.0|^11.0 | v11.37.0 | up to date |
illuminate/container | The Illuminate Container package. | ^10.0|^11.0 | v11.37.0 | up to date |
illuminate/contracts | The Illuminate Contracts package. | ^10.0|^11.0 | v11.37.0 | up to date |
illuminate/pagination | The Illuminate Pagination package. | ^10.0|^11.0 | v11.37.0 | up to date |
illuminate/routing | The Illuminate Routing package. | ^10.0|^11.0 | v11.37.0 | up to date |
illuminate/support | The Illuminate Support package. | ^10.0|^11.0 | v11.37.0 | up to date |
illuminate/validation | The Illuminate Validation package. | ^10.0|^11.0 | v11.37.0 | up to date |
illuminate/view | The Illuminate View package. | ^10.0|^11.0 | v11.37.0 | up to date |
symfony/cache | Provides extended PSR-6, PSR-16 (and tags) implementations | ^6.0|^7.0 | v7.2.1 | up to date |
symfony/serializer | Handles serializing and deserializing data structures, including object graphs, into array structures or other formats like XML and JSON. | ^5.0|^6.0|^7.0 | v7.2.0 | up to date |
13 total, 3 outdated
Package | Required | Latest | Status | |
doctrine/coding-standard | The Doctrine Coding Standard is a set of PHPCS rules applied to all Doctrine projects. | ^12.0 | 12.0.0 | up to date |
fakerphp/faker | Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you. | ^1.23 | v1.24.1 | up to date |
illuminate/log | The Illuminate Log package. | ^10.0 || ^11.0 | v11.37.0 | up to date |
illuminate/notifications | The Illuminate Notifications package. | ^10.0 || ^11.0 | v11.37.0 | up to date |
illuminate/queue | The Illuminate Queue package. | ^10.0 || ^11.0 | v11.37.0 | up to date |
laravel/framework | The Laravel Framework. | ^10.0 || ^11.0 | v46011 | outdated |
mockery/mockery | Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework | ^1.6.12 | 1.6.12 | up to date |
nikic/php-parser | A PHP parser written in PHP | ^4.19 || ^5.0 | v5.4.0 | up to date |
orchestra/testbench | Laravel Testing Helper for Packages Development | ^9.5 | v9.9.0 | up to date |
php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint | This tool checks the syntax of PHP files about 20x faster than serial check. | ^1.4 | v1.4.0 | up to date |
phpstan/phpstan | PHPStan - PHP Static Analysis Tool | ^1.9 | 2.1.1 | outdated |
phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules | PHPStan rules for detecting usage of deprecated classes, methods, properties, constants and traits. | ^1.1 | 2.0.1 | outdated |
phpunit/phpunit | The PHP Unit Testing framework. | ^11.4 | 11.5.2 | up to date |