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Packages from krowinski

Package Status
krowinski/async Run php closure asynchronously Dependency Badge
krowinski/bcmath-extended Extends php BCMath lib for missing functions like floor, ceil, round, abs, min, max, rand for big numbers. Also wraps existing BCMath functions. (more Supports scientific notations Dependency Badge
krowinski/http-status-codes PHP List of HTTP status codes, messages and description for them. Dependency Badge
krowinski/laravel-tinyid A TinyID bridge for Laravel Dependency Badge
krowinski/laravel-xslt xslt template engine for laravel Dependency Badge
krowinski/one-click-captcha Simple captcha that requires from user to only click a cut circle on image with several other circles. You can customize color of circles, background, width and height of image. Its very lightweight require no js just simple form in html and php gd extension. Dependency Badge
krowinski/php-inotify Wraps php inotify module into object and dispatch them using event dispatcher. Dependency Badge
krowinski/php-mysql-replication Pure PHP Implementation of MySQL replication protocol. This allow you to receive event like insert, update, delete with their data and raw SQL queries. Dependency Badge
krowinski/tinyid Shorten and obfuscate your IDs. Dependency Badge