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Packages from knplabs

Package Status
knplabs/console-service-provider console service provider for Silex Dependency Badge
knplabs/controller-behaviors Trait based Symfony2 controllers Dependency Badge
knplabs/dictionary-bundle Are you often tired to repeat static choices like gender or civility in your apps ? Dependency Badge
knplabs/doctrine-behaviors Doctrine Behavior Traits Dependency Badge
knplabs/dolmen A php based library to create domain events application based on symfony2 components. Dependency Badge
knplabs/etl Extract - Transform - Load Dependency Badge
knplabs/friendly-contexts Some BEHAT contexts Dependency Badge
knplabs/gaufrette PHP library that provides a filesystem abstraction layer Dependency Badge
knplabs/github-api GitHub API v3 client Dependency Badge
knplabs/json-schema-bundle A bundle to generate json schema based on various metadata Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-components Knplabs component library Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-console-autocomplete-bundle This Symfony2 bundle provides a simple way of autocompleting your commands in your shell. Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-disqus-bundle Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-gaufrette-bundle Allows to easily use the Gaufrette library in a Symfony project Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-last-tweets-bundle Symfony2 bundle to easily add a widget with the latest tweets of a Twitter user to a page. Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-mailjet-bundle Symfony2 Bundle for initializing Mailjet PHP API wrapper and handling Event API callbacks Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-markdown-bundle Knplabs markdown bundle transforms markdown into html Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-markup-validator-bundle Provide markup validation for your Symfony2 based projects. Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-media-exposer-bundle Allows to easily use the media exposer library in a Symfony project Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-menu An object oriented menu library Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-menu-bundle This bundle provides an integration of the KnpMenu library Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-menu-silex Integration of knplabs/knp-menu into Silex Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-minibus-bundle Integrate minibus into symfony2 Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-oauth-bundle An OAuth firewall for Symfony2 Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle Paginator bundle for Symfony to automate pagination and simplify sorting and other features Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-piwik-client Simple client for Piwik (web analytics) API. Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-piwik-client-bundle Piwik API client bundle for Symfony2. Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-reveal-bundle Simple bundle that uses Reveal.js and Symfony to make maintainable presentations Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-snappy PHP library allowing thumbnail, snapshot or PDF generation from a url or a html page. Wrapper for wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltoimage. Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle Easily create PDF and images in Symfony by converting Twig/HTML templates. Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-time-bundle Making your dates and durations look sensible and descriptive Dependency Badge
knplabs/knp-zend-cache-bundle Integrates Zend Cache framework into Symfony2. Dependency Badge
knplabs/mailjet-api-php Mailjet PHP API client Dependency Badge
knplabs/media-exposer A media path/source resolution library in PHP Dependency Badge
knplabs/mega-man Quick access to your vendors documentation Dependency Badge
knplabs/migration-service-provider Doctrine migration service provider for Silex Dependency Badge
knplabs/minibus Minibus is a simple implementation of a workflow bus. Dependency Badge
knplabs/muse Dependency Badge
knplabs/packagist-api Packagist API client. Dependency Badge
knplabs/php-json-schema PHP json-schema implementation Dependency Badge
knplabs/php-json-schema-bundle A Symfony bundle for knplabs/php-json-schema Dependency Badge
knplabs/phpspec-welldone-extension Extension for PHPSPEC. Find out which classes are not specified. Dependency Badge
knplabs/php-valid A HTTP cache validation toolkit Dependency Badge
knplabs/rad-auto-registration Auto register some common services Dependency Badge
knplabs/rad-bundle The "KnpLabs Rad Edition" bundle Dependency Badge
knplabs/rad-doctrine-event Access your doctrine events from the Symfony DIC. Dependency Badge
knplabs/rad-domain-event Provide RAD Domain Event component Dependency Badge
knplabs/rad-edition The "KnpLabs Symfony2 Rad Edition" Dependency Badge
knplabs/rad-fixtures-load A command to load them all Dependency Badge
knplabs/rad-prototype Pierre PLAZANET <[email protected]> Dependency Badge
knplabs/rad-resource-resolver A routing resource resolver based on conventions Dependency Badge
knplabs/rad-security Provide RAD security components Dependency Badge
knplabs/rad-table Dependency Badge
knplabs/rad-url-generation Simply auto-complete needed route parameters with existing ones. Dependency Badge
knplabs/rad-user Simply handle password encryption and salt generation Dependency Badge
knplabs/rad-view-renderer Dependency Badge
knplabs/raw-mongo The "KnpLabs Raw Data Mapper" Dependency Badge
knplabs/repository-service-provider Doctrine repository service provider for Silex Dependency Badge
knplabs/twig-explorer-bundle Dependency Badge
knplabs/unimail Dependency Badge