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Package.Health uses semantic versioning to detect outdated or insecure dependencies in your project's composer.json.

Packages from klaussilveira

Package Status
klaussilveira/gitter Gitter allows you to interact in an object oriented manner with Git repositories. Dependency Badge
klaussilveira/neo4j-client-bundle This bundle provides a simple integration of Josh Adell's Neo4jPHP library into Symfony2 Dependency Badge
klaussilveira/neo4j-ogm-bundle This bundle provides a simple integration of the Neo4j PHP Object Graph Mapper into Symfony2 Dependency Badge
klaussilveira/simple-shm SimpleSHM is a simple and small abstraction layer for shared memory manipulation using PHP. Dependency Badge
klaussilveira/simple-string A small library for object-oriented string manipulation with PHP. Dependency Badge
klaussilveira/simplestring SimpleString Class. Dependency Badge
klaussilveira/urbanairship-php PHP library that provides a simple way to communicate with Urban Airship services Dependency Badge
klaussilveira/xmlseclibs A PHP library for XML Security Dependency Badge