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Packages from kafkiansky

Package Status
kafkiansky/better-laravel A set of rules for the Psalm static analysis tool that help to detect popular issues when working with the Laravel framework. Dependency Badge
kafkiansky/binary Tool for writing/reading bytes in any order. Dependency Badge
kafkiansky/discovery Discover interfaces, traits and classes from application autoload classmap. Dependency Badge
kafkiansky/forbid A psalm plugin that finds and forbids code smells. Dependency Badge
kafkiansky/grpc-client Generic and extensible grpc client around generated clients. Dependency Badge
kafkiansky/kafka-interactor The rdkafka high-level interactor. Dependency Badge
kafkiansky/laravel-sms-ru-channel Laravel channel Dependency Badge
kafkiansky/option The Option that takes care of what you unwrap. Dependency Badge
kafkiansky/phpclick ClickHouse async php client. Dependency Badge
kafkiansky/push-prometheus Pushing metrics to prometheus via amphp. Dependency Badge
kafkiansky/reduce-arguments Psalm plugin that makes sure that you don't use too many arguments in functions and methods. Dependency Badge
kafkiansky/service-locator-interrupter Psalm plugin for Laravel that interrupt service locator calls. Dependency Badge
kafkiansky/signaler Signaler library that provide stack for signal listeners. Dependency Badge
kafkiansky/sms-ru-client client Dependency Badge
kafkiansky/symfony-basic-auth-middleware Basic Auth PSR-15 middleware for Symfony framework. Dependency Badge
kafkiansky/symfony-middleware PSR-15 Middleware for symfony. Dependency Badge
kafkiansky/textru Library for api interaction. Dependency Badge