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Packages from jonom

Package Status
jonom/focuspoint Smarter automatic image cropping for SilverStripe Dependency Badge
jonom/silverstripe-betternavigator Front-end utility menu for Silverstripe websites featuring administration and development tools Dependency Badge
jonom/silverstripe-custom-errors Themed custom error responses for SilverStripe CMS Dependency Badge
jonom/silverstripe-environment-awareness Indicate current environment to Silverstripe users Dependency Badge
jonom/silverstripe-helpers Utility classes and extensions for Silverstripe projects Dependency Badge
jonom/silverstripe-image-coord Set x and y coords by clicking an image Dependency Badge
jonom/silverstripe-postmark-mailer Postmark mailer class for SilverStripe Dependency Badge
jonom/silverstripe-share-care Social media sharing previews and customisation for SilverStripe Dependency Badge
jonom/silverstripe-someconfig Combines the CRUD features of ModelAdmin with the singleton settings editing of SiteConfig so content and settings can be co-located. Dependency Badge
jonom/silverstripe-text-target-length Set character length recommendations on SilverStripe text form fields Dependency Badge
jonom/silverstripe-tinytidy Control which styles are available in TinyMCE's style dropdown menu and what elements they can be applied to Dependency Badge
jonom/silverstripe-version-history Provides a basic audit trail interface for Versioned objects Dependency Badge