
24 total, 17 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
composer/composer Composer helps you declare, manage and install dependencies of PHP projects. It ensures you have the right stack everywhere. ^2.8.4 2.8.5 up to date
jolicode/jolinotif Send desktop notifications on Windows, Linux, MacOS. ^3.0.0 v3.1.0 up to date
jolicode/php-os-helper Helpers to detect the OS of the machine where PHP is running. ^0.1.0 v0.2.0 outdated
monolog/monolog Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services ^3.8.1 3.8.1 up to date
nikic/php-parser A PHP parser written in PHP ^5.4.0 v5.4.0 up to date
phpstan/phpdoc-parser PHPDoc parser with support for nullable, intersection and generic types ^1.33 2.1.0 outdated
spatie/ssh A lightweight package to execute commands over an SSH connection ^1.13.0 1.13.0 up to date
symfony/cache Provides extended PSR-6, PSR-16 (and tags) implementations ^6.4.16 v7.2.3 outdated
symfony/config Helps you find, load, combine, autofill and validate configuration values of any kind ^6.4.14 v7.2.3 outdated
symfony/console Eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces ^6.4.15 v7.2.1 outdated
symfony/dependency-injection Allows you to standardize and centralize the way objects are constructed in your application ^6.4.16 v7.2.3 outdated
symfony/deprecation-contracts A generic function and convention to trigger deprecation notices ^3.5.1 v3.5.1 up to date
symfony/dotenv Registers environment variables from a .env file ^6.4.16 v7.2.0 outdated
symfony/error-handler Provides tools to manage errors and ease debugging PHP code ^6.4.14 v7.2.3 outdated
symfony/expression-language Provides an engine that can compile and evaluate expressions ^6.4.13 v7.2.0 outdated
symfony/filesystem Provides basic utilities for the filesystem ^6.4.13 v7.2.0 outdated
symfony/finder Finds files and directories via an intuitive fluent interface ^6.4.13 v7.2.2 outdated
symfony/http-client Provides powerful methods to fetch HTTP resources synchronously or asynchronously ^6.4.16 v7.2.3 outdated
symfony/monolog-bridge Provides integration for Monolog with various Symfony components ^6.4.13 v7.2.0 outdated
symfony/process Executes commands in sub-processes ^6.4.15 v7.2.0 outdated
symfony/string Provides an object-oriented API to strings and deals with bytes, UTF-8 code points and grapheme clusters in a unified way ^6.4.15 v7.2.0 outdated
symfony/translation-contracts Generic abstractions related to translation ^3.5.1 v3.5.1 up to date
symfony/var-dumper Provides mechanisms for walking through any arbitrary PHP variable ^6.4.15 v7.2.3 outdated
symfony/yaml Loads and dumps YAML files ^6.4.13 v7.2.3 outdated

Requires (dev)

2 total, 2 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
phpunit/php-code-coverage Library that provides collection, processing, and rendering functionality for PHP code coverage information. ^9.2.32 12.0.3 outdated
symfony/phpunit-bridge Provides utilities for PHPUnit, especially user deprecation notices management ^6.4.16 v7.2.0 outdated