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Packages from johnbillion

Package Status
johnbillion/args I don't want to get into an argument about this. Dependency Badge
johnbillion/ext WP-CLI command which checks the existence of PHP extensions needed to run WordPress. Dependency Badge
johnbillion/extended-cpts A library which provides extended functionality to WordPress custom post types and taxonomies. Dependency Badge
johnbillion/extended-taxos A library which provides extended functionality to WordPress custom taxonomies, allowing you to quickly build custom taxonomies without having to write the same code again and again. Dependency Badge
johnbillion/extended-template-parts A library which provides extended functionality to WordPress template parts, including template variables and caching. Dependency Badge
johnbillion/extended-widgets A library which provides extended functionality to WordPress widgets, including theme templating and caching. Dependency Badge
johnbillion/falsey-assertequals-detector Detects usage of assertEquals() with falsey values and marks the test as risky. Dependency Badge
johnbillion/network-media-library Network Media Library provides a central media library that's shared across all sites on the Multisite network. Dependency Badge
johnbillion/php-docs-standards PHPUnit tests for documentation standards of PHP functions and methods. Dependency Badge
johnbillion/plugin-infrastructure Reusable infrastructure relating to testing, building, and deploying my WordPress plugins Dependency Badge
johnbillion/query-monitor The Developer Tools panel for WordPress. Dependency Badge
johnbillion/user-switching Instant switching between user accounts in WordPress. Dependency Badge
johnbillion/vip-go-indicator Adds an admin toolbar indicator which identifies the current VIP Go environment. Dependency Badge
johnbillion/wordhat WordHat is a Behat extension for WordPress. It provides WordPress-specific functionality for common testing scenarios specific to WordPress sites. Dependency Badge
johnbillion/wordpress-behat-extension WordPress extension for Behat 3 Dependency Badge
johnbillion/wp-compat PHPStan extension to help verify that your PHP code is compatible with a given version of WordPress Dependency Badge
johnbillion/wp-crontrol Take control of the cron events on your WordPress website Dependency Badge
johnbillion/wp-docs-standards Documentation standards for WordPress functions, classes, and methods. Dependency Badge
johnbillion/wp-hooks All the actions and filters from WordPress core in machine-readable JSON format. Dependency Badge
johnbillion/wp-hooks-generator Generates a JSON representation of the WordPress actions and filters in your code Dependency Badge
johnbillion/wp-parser-lib File scanning and hook parsing functionality from WP Parser. Dependency Badge