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Packages from jms

Package Status
jms/aop-bundle Adds AOP capabilities to Symfony2 Dependency Badge
jms/cg Toolset for generating PHP code Dependency Badge
jms/command-bundle Provides useful commands to ease development (with Symfony2). Dependency Badge
jms/composer-deps-analyzer Builds a Dependency Graph from a composer.json file Dependency Badge
jms/debugging-bundle This bundle provides advanced debugging tools (for your Symfony2 project). Dependency Badge
jms/di-extra-bundle Allows to configure dependency injection using annotations Dependency Badge
jms/google-closure-bundle Eases development with the Google Closure Tools in Symfony2 Dependency Badge
jms/i18n-routing-bundle This bundle allows you to create i18n routes. Dependency Badge
jms/job-queue-bundle Allows to run and schedule Symfony console commands as background jobs. Dependency Badge
jms/metadata Class/method/property metadata management in PHP Dependency Badge
jms/object-routing Library for generating routes based on objects. Dependency Badge
jms/parser-lib A library for easily creating recursive-descent parsers. Dependency Badge
jms/payment-core-bundle A unified API for processing payments with Symfony Dependency Badge
jms/payment-paypal-bundle Payment Bundle providing access to the PayPal API Dependency Badge
jms/php-manipulator Library for Analyzing or Manipulating PHP files using the TokenStream, AST, or both Dependency Badge
jms/security-extra-bundle Enhances the Symfony2 Security Component by adding several new features Dependency Badge
jms/serializer Library for (de-)serializing data of any complexity; supports XML, and JSON. Dependency Badge
jms/serializer-bundle Allows you to easily serialize, and deserialize data of any complexity Dependency Badge
jms/serializer-service-provider Silex Service Provider for the Serializer Bundle Dependency Badge
jms/translation-bundle Puts the Symfony Translation Component on steroids Dependency Badge
jms/twig-js twig.js, flexible, secure, and high-performance templating engine for Javascript Dependency Badge
jms/twig-js-bundle Integrates twig.js into your Symfony2 application Dependency Badge