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Packages from jambagecom

Package Status
jambagecom/addons-em Enhancements to the Extension Manager (em). Dependency Badge
jambagecom/addons-tt-products Many translations of standard texts for shops. Additional example templates and icons for the tt_products shop system version 2.9 and later. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/agency An improved variant of Kasper Skårhøj's Front End User Admin extension Dependency Badge
jambagecom/agency-tt-address An improved variant of Kasper Skårhøj's Front End User Admin extension Dependency Badge
jambagecom/base-cache Common interfaces for simple caching by psr/simple-cache. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/base-complex PHP Class for handling Complex numbers. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/base-css This provides the PHP-CSS-Parser. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/base-enum A library to make the PHP enum operator possible. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/base-excel This provides the PhpSpreadsheet library, formerly phpExcel, from phpOffice. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/base-font This provides the PHP Font Lib. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/base-html Standards compliant HTML filter written in PHP Dependency Badge
jambagecom/base-htmlparser Standards compliant HTML filter written in PHP Dependency Badge
jambagecom/base-matrix A library for handling Matrices. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/base-pdf This provides the DOMPDF library. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/base-svg A library to read, parse and export to PDF SVG files. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/base-word This provides the PHPWord library from phpOffice. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/base-zip A library to download ZIP files. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/chgallery simple gallery, show all images of a directory Dependency Badge
jambagecom/div2007 Extension library since 2007. Many API functions for Front End extensions. Can replace TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Plugin\AbstractPlugin methods. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/ecorss Ecodev : feeds services (RSS / ATOM) Dependency Badge
jambagecom/escaper This provides the Laminas Escaper XSS library. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/excelbill-tt-products Send an Excel generated bill for orders with tt_products Dependency Badge
jambagecom/export An extendable export extension based on the scheduler extension Dependency Badge
jambagecom/fh-debug PHP debugger, sys_log and devLog Logger Dependency Badge
jambagecom/import Import of data into database tables Dependency Badge
jambagecom/import-tt-address-nicosdir Import of nicosdirectory tables into tt_address and sys_category Dependency Badge
jambagecom/import-tt-board-comments Import of the comments table into tt_board Dependency Badge
jambagecom/jfmulticontent Arranges multiple contents into one content element with multiple columns, accordions, tabs, slider, slidedeck, easyAccordion or Booklet for TYPO3 CMS Dependency Badge
jambagecom/macina-searchbox This extension offers the possibility to add a configuration for the searchbox as a TypoScript plugin on all pages which submits the searchvalue to the Indexed Search Engine plugin. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/mastertemplate This extension makes available the setup of the master template. Originally developed by the NRW user group. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/mbi-products-categories Hierarchical categories for tt_products. Works with tt_products and other tables. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/migration-core Migration class maps for TYPO3 Core classes like t3lib_div, t3lib_extMgm and tslib_pibase. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/move An extendable move extension based on the scheduler extension Dependency Badge
jambagecom/party Management of party-related data, such as persons, organisations, names, addresses, etc. based on the OASIS-Standard. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/patch10011 TypoScript Condition userFunc enhancements Dependency Badge
jambagecom/quotation-tt-products Quotation for Shop System, Excel file export Dependency Badge
jambagecom/static-info-tables-da Danish (da) language pack for the Static Info Tables providing localized names for countries, currencies and so on. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/static-info-tables-de German (de) language pack for the Static Info Tables providing localized names for countries, currencies and so on. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/static-info-tables-es Spanish (es) language pack for the Static Info Tables providing localized names for countries, currencies and so on. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/static-info-tables-it Italian (it) language pack for the Static Info Tables providing localized names for countries, currencies and so on. TYPO3 extension. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/static-info-tables-taxes Tables and functions used for dealing with taxes. TYPO3 extension. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/t3skin-icons TYPO3 skin images. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/table Table Library for TYPO3 CMS Dependency Badge
jambagecom/taxajax Enhancement to the xajax extension with TYPO3 specific code. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/tcpdfbill-tt-products Send a TCPDF generated bill for orders with tt_products Dependency Badge
jambagecom/transactor This is a basic API to develop extensions which connect to different payment transaction gateways. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/transactor-paypal Provides the possibility to transact payments via PayPal using the Payment Transactor extension. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/tslib-fetce This extension brings the TYPO3 4.x class tslib_feTCE and the processScript FEData setup with new features partly back into TYPO3 9.x Dependency Badge
jambagecom/tsparser More Constants Editor Types for TYPO3 CMS Dependency Badge
jambagecom/tt-board Simple threaded (tree) or list message board (forum). Dependency Badge
jambagecom/tt-guest Simple threaded (tree) or list message board (forum). Dependency Badge
jambagecom/tt-products Shop system extension for TYPO3 CMS Dependency Badge
jambagecom/tt-products-foundby Foundby select box antries for the Shop system extension Dependency Badge
jambagecom/voucher Backend extension to manage voucher codes for FE users. This works together with tt_products and agency. Dependency Badge
jambagecom/watchwords This extension adds a new content element which will get a new Christian Watchword (bible verse) every day. Dependency Badge