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Package.Health uses semantic versioning to detect outdated or insecure dependencies in your project's composer.json.

Packages from inhere

Package Status
inhere/asset-manager a simple php asset manager library. Dependency Badge
inhere/console php console library, provide console argument parse, console controller/command run, color style, user interactive, information show. Dependency Badge
inhere/event event manager library of the php Dependency Badge
inhere/gearman a php gearman workers manager tool library Dependency Badge
inhere/http http message library of the php, implement the PSR7 Dependency Badge
inhere/library some useful library of the php Dependency Badge
inhere/library-plus some useful library of the php Dependency Badge
inhere/lite-cache a simple cache client tool library of the php Dependency Badge
inhere/lite-db a simple db tool library of the php Dependency Badge
inhere/lock lock library of the php Dependency Badge
inhere/middleware the psr-15, psr-7 middleware library of the php Dependency Badge
inhere/php-validate generic data validate, filter library of the php Dependency Badge
inhere/queue queue library of the php Dependency Badge
inhere/redis a simple redis library of the php Dependency Badge
inhere/server a php server manager powered by swoole Dependency Badge
inhere/shm shared memory library of the php Dependency Badge
inhere/simple-active-record a simple activeRecord library of the php Dependency Badge
inhere/simple-print-tool a simple php code format print tool Dependency Badge
inhere/slim-extend A Slim Framework extension Dependency Badge
inhere/sroute a very lightweight and fasted request router. Dependency Badge
inhere/websocket a lightweight webSocket application library, server and client by sockets,streams,swoole Dependency Badge