
1 total, 1 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
typo3/cms-core TYPO3 CMS Core ^12.4 v13.4.2 outdated

Requires (dev)

27 total, 21 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer A tool to automatically fix PHP code style ^3.18 v3.65.0 up to date
helmich/typo3-typoscript-lint Static code analysis for the TypoScript configuration language. ^3.1 v3.2.1 up to date
mikey179/vfsstream Virtual file system to mock the real file system in unit tests. ^1.6 v1.6.12 up to date
phpmd/phpmd PHPMD is a spin-off project of PHP Depend and aims to be a PHP equivalent of the well known Java tool PMD. ^2.13 2.15.0 up to date
squizlabs/php_codesniffer PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards. ^3.7 3.11.2 up to date
typo3/cms-adminpanel TYPO3 CMS Admin Panel - The Admin Panel displays information about your site in the frontend and contains a range of metrics including debug and caching information. ^12.3.0 v13.4.2 outdated
typo3/cms-backend TYPO3 CMS backend ^12.3.0 v13.4.2 outdated
typo3/cms-belog TYPO3 CMS Log - View logs from the sys_log table in the TYPO3 backend modules System>Log ^12.3.0 v13.4.2 outdated
typo3/cms-beuser TYPO3 CMS Backend User - TYPO3 backend module System>Backend Users for managing backend users and groups. ^12.3.0 v13.4.2 outdated
typo3/cms-dashboard TYPO3 CMS Dashboard - TYPO3 backend module used to configure and create backend widgets. ^12.3.0 v13.4.2 outdated
typo3/cms-extbase TYPO3 CMS Extbase - Extension framework to create TYPO3 frontend plugins and TYPO3 backend modules. ^12.3.0 v13.4.2 outdated
typo3/cms-extensionmanager TYPO3 CMS Extension Manager - Backend module (Admin Tools>Extensions) for viewing and managing extensions. ^12.3.0 v13.4.2 outdated
typo3/cms-felogin TYPO3 CMS Frontend Login - A template-based plugin to log in website users in the TYPO3 frontend. ^12.3.0 v13.4.2 outdated
typo3/cms-filelist TYPO3 CMS Filelist - TYPO3 backend module (File>Filelist) used for managing files. ^12.3.0 v13.4.2 outdated
typo3/cms-fluid TYPO3 CMS Fluid Integration - Integration of the Fluid templating engine into TYPO3. ^12.3.0 v13.4.2 outdated
typo3/cms-fluid-styled-content TYPO3 CMS Fluid Styled Content - Fluid templates for TYPO3 content elements. ^12.3.0 v13.4.2 outdated
typo3/cms-frontend TYPO3 CMS Frontend ^12.3.0 v13.4.2 outdated
typo3/cms-info TYPO3 CMS Info - TYPO3 backend module for displaying information, such as a pagetree overview and localization information. ^12.3.0 v13.4.2 outdated
typo3/cms-install TYPO3 CMS Install Tool - The Install Tool is used for installation, upgrade, system administration and setup tasks. ^12.3.0 v13.4.2 outdated
typo3/cms-lowlevel TYPO3 CMS Lowlevel - Technical analysis of the system. This includes raw database search, checking relations, counting pages and records etc. ^12.3.0 v13.4.2 outdated
typo3/cms-recordlist List of database-records ^12.3.0 v11.5.41 outdated
typo3/cms-recycler TYPO3 CMS Recycler - Restore deleted records or remove them from the database permanently. ^12.3 v13.4.2 outdated
typo3/cms-rte-ckeditor TYPO3 CMS RTE CKEditor - Integration of CKEditor as a Rich Text Editor for the TYPO3 backend. ^12.3.0 v13.4.2 outdated
typo3/cms-scheduler TYPO3 CMS Scheduler - Schedule tasks to run once or periodically at a specific time. ^12.3.0 v13.4.2 outdated
typo3/cms-setup TYPO3 CMS Setup - Allows users to edit a limited set of options for their user profile, including preferred language, their name and email address. ^12.3.0 v13.4.2 outdated
typo3/cms-t3editor TYPO3 CMS T3Editor - JavaScript-driven editor with syntax highlighting and code completion. Based on CodeMirror. ^12.3.0 v12.4.24 up to date
typo3/cms-tstemplate TYPO3 CMS TypoScript - TYPO3 backend module for the management of TypoScript records for the CMS frontend. ^12.3.0 v13.4.2 outdated