
11 total, 9 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
illuminate/collections The Illuminate Collections package. ^8.0 v11.7.0 outdated
illuminate/console The Illuminate Console package. ^8.0 v11.7.0 outdated
illuminate/container The Illuminate Container package. ^8.0 v11.7.0 outdated
illuminate/contracts The Illuminate Contracts package. ^8.0 v11.7.0 outdated
illuminate/database The Illuminate Database package. ^8.0 v11.7.0 outdated
illuminate/filesystem The Illuminate Filesystem package. ^8.0 v11.7.0 outdated
illuminate/pipeline The Illuminate Pipeline package. ^8.0 v11.7.0 outdated
illuminate/support The Illuminate Support package. ^8.0 v11.7.0 outdated
opis/closure A library that can be used to serialize closures (anonymous functions) and arbitrary objects. ^3.6 3.6.3 up to date
ramsey/uuid A PHP library for generating and working with universally unique identifiers (UUIDs). ^4.0 4.7.6 up to date
symfony/process Executes commands in sub-processes ^5.1.4 v7.0.7 outdated

Requires (dev)

No required development dependencies.