Keep your dependencies up-to-date

Package.Health uses semantic versioning to detect outdated or insecure dependencies in your project's composer.json.

Packages from ichhabrecht

Package Status
ichhabrecht/begroups-roles Use backend user groups as switchable roles Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/caretaker-mattermost Mattermost exitpoint for advanced notification system of EXT:caretaker Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/composer-git-flow-plugin This plugin allows to use repositories using the Git Flow workflow (or any other branching model) with Composer Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/content-defender Define allowed or denied content element types in your backend layouts Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/core-upgrader Run upgrade wizards for multiple TYPO3 versions at once Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/databaseconnectionscanner Find usages of DatabaseConnection class Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/devtools Adds nice developer tools to your TYPO3 installation Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/filefill Find and fetch missing local files from different remotes Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/filesystem Library for advanced filesystem functions Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/git-checker Web view for local git repository status Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/git-wrapper A PHP (read-only) wrapper for the Git command line utility Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/hide-used-content Removes used content elements with own colPos configuration from "Unused" column Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/hosts-pattern Set TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['trustedHostsPattern'] depending on available sys_domain records Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/intcache Turn uncachable page objects into cacheable links Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/integrity Monitors the changes of your TYPO3 CMS extension files Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/mask-export Export your mask elements as extension Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/multicolumn The Multicolumn extension expands TYPO3 with a new content element called Multicolumn. With the Multicolumn content element it has never been easier to do multicolumn layouts with TYPO3. Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/packagemanager GUI for composer package management Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/packages-scanner Scan own packages.json information to check packagist registration of packages Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/psr7-middleware-yaml-parser PSR-7 middleware that parses Yaml files to ServerRequest attribute Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/social-gdpr Show social media after user confirmation Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/t3tags Generate tag fields for every record type Dependency Badge
ichhabrecht/youtube-privacy Render YouTube videos with nocookie domain Dependency Badge