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Packages from i-lateral

Package Status
i-lateral/hashtagger Simple library for finding hashtags in string Dependency Badge
i-lateral/sc-recipe SilverStripe recipe for fully featured page and asset content editing Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-admin-toggle-checkbox CSS only toggle that re-styles all checkboxes in the admin Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-auth-username Adds username authentication and username or email login to a silverstripe install Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-blog-frontend Silverstripe module that adds a blog form to the front end of your website Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-carousel A base framework for creating sliders/carousels on your SilverStripe site Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-casestudy A Case Study module for Silverstripe Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-catalogue Silverstripe module allowing creation of a custom product catalog with products and categories that can be created via the admin and accessed via their own URL's (like more conventional page objects) Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-checkout Silverstripe module that add's a checkout and shopping cart interface as well as some possible payment options to a site Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-checkout-barclaycard-epdq Silverstripe module that adds Barclaycard EPDQ support to the checkout module Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-checkout-payway Silverstripe module that add's payway support to the chackout module Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-checkout-sofort Silverstripe module that add's Sofort payment integration to the checkout module Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-checkout-stripe Silverstripe module that add's Stripe payment integration to the checkout module Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-childhubpage Simple Silverstripe module that shows child pages as either a list or grid Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-commerce Silverstripe ecommerce module allowing for custom product catalog that can be linked to pages in the CMS, as well as shopping cart and payment integration. Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-commerce-bulkprice A Silverstripe module that adds discount prices to products when greater quantities are ordered Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-commerce-customisableproduct Silverstripe module that adds customisable products (adding dropdowns, radio buttons or textfields to a product) Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-commerce-downloadableproduct Allow adding a file to a product that can be downloaded by users who buy it. Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-commerce-groupedproduct Allow grouping of sub products under a parent product. Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-commerce-stockkeeping A Silverstripe module that adds stock levels to products and allows these to be reduced when the order reaches a specified status Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-commerce-theme A re-write of a SilverStripe Bootstrap theme that incorporates HTML5 Boilerplate, Twitter Bootstrap, and Font Awesome Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-compactnavigator A Silverstripe module that adds a simple, themable admin menu to the front end of a site (when you are logged in) Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-contacts Contact management module, allowing import, export, management, grouping and tagging of contacts Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-custom-filesystem Customised filesystem adaptor that allows changing of assets location Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-custommenus A Silverstripe module allowing you to create custom menus that can be gernated in the front end of your site. Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-dashboard Adds a customisable dashboard to the SilverStripe CMS (fork of Unclecheese's module) Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-deferedimages Deferres loading of template images Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-deferedimages-theme A theme addon to update image template for defered loading Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-discussions Silverstripe module adding Yahoo Groups/Vanilla Forum style discussions Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-fancy-form-scaffolder Allows you to defined CMS form structure via config.yml Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-featuredimage Adds a featured image to selected DataObjects Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-file-base64 Simple module to add base64 string data methods to SilverStripe files and images Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-filterable Silverstripe module allowing creation of custom filters through the admin interface and then assigning to an object. Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-gallery A Silverstripe image gallery allowing multi image upload and automatic generation of thumbnail gallery with popups Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-googlemaps A module to allow embeding of google maps inside page objects Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-googleshoppingfeed Simple support for a SilverStripe site to generate a Google Shopping XML feed allowing you to push your products to Google's shopping service automatically Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-gridfield-addons GridFieldAddOns is a collection of plugins for the Silverstripe GridField. Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-importexport An upgrade to SilverStripe's bulk loading and exporting Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-installer Customised SilverStripe Framework Installer Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-lesscompiler A simple less compiler that runs on Silverstripe execution Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-middleman Provide CMS functionality to Framework modules Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-modeladminplus Adds some extra features to a standard ModelAdmin field Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-notifier Configurable notifications system for sending notifications based on data object activity Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-orders Silverstripe module for creating and managing generic 'Order' objects Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-reviews Expands comments module to also allow for reviewing of an object Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-searchable Updated search module for Silverstripe allowing addition of different data objects and makes use of the FulllTextFilter Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-sessionmessenger A session based message notification for Silverstripe templates Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-siteconfig Module that allows access to SiteConfig with only core framework (no CMS) installed. Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-slightly-better-bulkloader It's the SilverStripe bulk loader, but ever so slightly better Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-socialnav Adds a list of social media services that generates a list of links in a template Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-sstweaks Some minor silverstripe tweaks that I use repeatedly on projects Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-stripe-forms Add Stripe subscriptions and payment forms to your Silverstripe website Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-systemmessages Add popup notification messages to a Silverstripe site Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-testimonials Add testimonials to a SilverStripe site, either via a page or a widget Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-themes-kube A simple Silverstripe theme that makes use of the Kube CSS framework (400). Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-themes-kube-commerce A simple Silverstripe theme that makes use of the Kube CSS framework and is designed to work with the Commerce extension. Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-trumbowyg-htmleditor Simple HTML Editor field for the Silverstripe CMS that uses the Trumbowyg jquery plugin for WYSIWYG editing Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-twitter Twitter integration module for Silverstripe using twitters oauth Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-users Silverstripe framework user account management and registration module Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-videolink Adds a DB field for automatically embedding videos Dependency Badge
i-lateral/silverstripe-wurflcloud Silverstripe module to allow simple device detection using WURFL Cloud service Dependency Badge
i-lateral/ss4-recipe SilverStripe recipe for fully featured page and asset content editing Dependency Badge