
9 total, 8 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
doctrine/instantiator A small, lightweight utility to instantiate objects in PHP without invoking their constructors ^1.2.0 2.0.0 outdated
hyperf/contract The contracts of Hyperf. ~1.0.0 v3.1.42 outdated
hyperf/pool An independent universal connection pool component. ~1.0.0 v3.1.42 outdated
hyperf/process A process component for hyperf. ~1.0.0 v3.1.48 outdated
hyperf/utils A tools package that could help developer solved the problem quickly. ~1.0.0 v3.1.42 outdated
php-amqplib/php-amqplib Formerly videlalvaro/php-amqplib. This library is a pure PHP implementation of the AMQP protocol. It's been tested against RabbitMQ. ^2.7 v3.7.2 outdated
psr/container Common Container Interface (PHP FIG PSR-11) ^1.0 2.0.2 outdated
psr/event-dispatcher Standard interfaces for event handling. ^1.0 1.0.0 up to date
psr/log Common interface for logging libraries ^1.0 3.0.2 outdated

Requires (dev)

7 total, 6 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer A tool to automatically fix PHP code style ^2.9 v3.69.0 outdated
hyperf/di A DI for Hyperf. ~1.0.0 v3.1.42 outdated
hyperf/event an event manager that implements PSR-14. ~1.0.0 v3.1.42 outdated
hyperf/framework A coroutine framework that focuses on hyperspeed and flexible, specifically use for build microservices and middlewares. ~1.0.0 v3.1.42 outdated
malukenho/docheader A small library to check header docs ^0.1.6 1.1.0 outdated
mockery/mockery Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework ^1.0 1.6.12 up to date
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. ^7.0.0 12.0.2 outdated