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Packages from httpsoft

Package Status
httpsoft/http-app HTTP Software Application Template Dependency Badge
httpsoft/http-basis Simple and fast HTTP microframework implementing PSR standards Dependency Badge
httpsoft/http-cookie Managing cookies with PSR-7 support Dependency Badge
httpsoft/http-emitter Emitting of PSR-7 Response implementation Dependency Badge
httpsoft/http-error-handler Error handling PSR-7 and PSR-15 components Dependency Badge
httpsoft/http-message Strict and fast implementation of PSR-7 and PSR-17 Dependency Badge
httpsoft/http-response PSR-7 Response implementations Dependency Badge
httpsoft/http-router Simple and fast HTTP request router providing PSR-7 and PSR-15 Dependency Badge
httpsoft/http-runner Running PSR-7 components and building PSR-15 middleware pipelines Dependency Badge
httpsoft/http-server-request Infrastructure for creating PSR-7 ServerRequest and UploadedFile Dependency Badge