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Packages from htmlburger

Package Status
htmlburger/admin-column-manager This plugin provides an easy way to add, remove and manage columns from WordPress administration screens for post, users and taxonomy listing. Dependency Badge
htmlburger/carbon-app Simple facade+service provider package for internal use Dependency Badge
htmlburger/carbon-common A collection of common utility functions, useful for building WordPress themes and plugins. Dependency Badge
htmlburger/carbon-csv Simple CSV file parser Dependency Badge
htmlburger/carbon-debug Debugging functions, wrapping around Symfony's VarDumper. Dependency Badge
htmlburger/carbon-field-icon Carbon Fields extension, that adds a Icon field type. Dependency Badge
htmlburger/carbon-field-number Carbon Fields extension, that adds a number field type. Dependency Badge
htmlburger/carbon-fields WordPress developer-friendly custom fields for post types, taxonomy terms, users, comments, widgets, options and more. Dependency Badge
htmlburger/carbon-fields-docs Documentation and guides for Carbon Fields, Dependency Badge
htmlburger/carbon-fields-plugin WordPress plugin loader for Carbon Fields. Dependency Badge
htmlburger/carbon-fields-yoast Helper library that allows developers to choose which fields from Carbon Fields to include in the Yoast readability score meter Dependency Badge
htmlburger/carbon-fragment A tiny tool that allows passing variables to theme fragment files. Dependency Badge
htmlburger/carbon-pagination A handy WordPress library for building all kinds of paginations. Dependency Badge
htmlburger/carbon-twitter Helper library for retrieving information from the Twitter API. Dependency Badge
htmlburger/carbon-validator Basic Validator class implemented as a stand alone library. Inspired by Laravel Validation module. Dependency Badge
htmlburger/carbon-video Video utility library. Dependency Badge
htmlburger/form-kit Dependency Badge
htmlburger/theme-help A tiny helper to render the theme readme.html in the WP Admin. Dependency Badge
htmlburger/twitter-helper Helper library for retrieving information from the Twitter API. Dependency Badge
htmlburger/wpemerge A micro framework which modernizes WordPress as a CMS development by providing tools to implement MVC and more. Dependency Badge
htmlburger/wpemerge-app-core Core tools for the WP Emerge starter theme and plugin. Dependency Badge
htmlburger/wpemerge-blade Enables the use of Blade views in WP Emerge. Dependency Badge
htmlburger/wpemerge-cli CLI tool for WP Emerge. Dependency Badge
htmlburger/wpemerge-plugin A modern WordPress starter plugin which uses the WP Emerge framework Dependency Badge
htmlburger/wpemerge-theme A modern WordPress starter theme which uses the WP Emerge framework Dependency Badge
htmlburger/wpemerge-theme-core Core tools for the WP Emerge Theme. Dependency Badge
htmlburger/wpemerge-twig Enables the use of Twig views in WP Emerge. Dependency Badge