.Package | Status | |
horstoeko/laravelextendedcommand | A library containing an extension for Laravel's console command | |
horstoeko/mimedb | Get mimetypes by fileextensions and visa versa | |
horstoeko/orderx | A library for creating and reading Order-X document | |
horstoeko/slimapp | Simple slim framework based application | |
horstoeko/slimapp-skeleton | Skeleton for horstoeko/slimapp | |
horstoeko/stringmanagement | A library for string manipulation utilities | |
horstoeko/ubl | A library for creating and reading european electronic invoices | |
horstoeko/zugferd | A library for creating and reading european electronic invoices | |
horstoeko/zugferd-laravel | A library for Laravel-Framework for creating and reading european electronic invoices | |
horstoeko/zugferdmail | A library | |
horstoeko/zugferdublbridge | Convert Factur-X/ZUGFeRD (CII-Syntax) to PEPPOL (UBL-Syntax) and visa versa | |
horstoeko/zugferdvisualizer | A library |