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Packages from hofff

Package Status
hofff/contao-article-tabs Tabs via Contao articles based on hofff/contao-article extension. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-calendarfield Frontend text field with datepicker for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-comments-latest Frontend-Module for Contao CMS to display latest comments. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-consent-bridge Bridge between consent tools and third party extensions for Contao Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-contact-profiles Various form utilities for Contao CMS. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-content Various content elements, modules and features to improve working with articles. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-content-navigation Provides a table of contents for elements based on one or more articles within the page. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-dca-notification This library sends notification for any dca based data container Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-facebook-pixel Integrate Facebook Tracking Pixel in Contao Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-favicon Favicon management for Contao CMS. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-formtools Various form utilities for Contao CMS. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-googleanalytics Google Analytics integration for Contao CMS. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-horizontalrule HR content element for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-htaccess Backend integrated htaccess editor for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-html-elements Create html5 elements as content element Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-iconfont Insert tag for Contao Open Source CMS to insert FontAwesome icons and individual icons Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-language-relations Maintaining relations between translated pages. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-language-relations-calendar Maintaining relations between translated calendar events. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-language-relations-faq Maintaining relations between translated FAQ. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-language-relations-news Maintaining relations between translated news. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-language-relations-news4ward Maintaining relations between translated news of the psi/news4ward Contao extension. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-layoutusage Shows on which pages the layouts are used Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-leads-encryption Provides encryption of form data stored via Contao extension `terminal42/contao-leads`. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-mod-template Wrap a template as content element or module in Contao OpenSource CMS Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-multimedia Embed multimedia content with various players into Contao CMS Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-multimedia-videojs VideoJS integration into multimedia extension for Contao CMS Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-navigation Advanced navigation module for Contao CMS Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-navigation-article Integrate articles into navigation module for Contao CMS Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-newsletter-extended Extended newsletter functionality for Contao Open Source CMS. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-opengraph Define OpenGraph meta data in Contao Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-rate-it RateIt extension for the Contao Open Source CMS as contao 4 bundle Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-recursive-download-folder Content element for Contao CMS to define a recursive download folder. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-restrict-get-parameters Restrict allowed get parameters Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-robots-txt-editor Editor for auto creation and modification of robots.txt. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-root-relations Adds and maintains a reference field in the page table pointing to the root page of each page. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-selectri A selection widget for large structured option sets. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-selectri-solr Solr integration for hofff/contao-selectri Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-shariff Shariff integration for Contao CMS. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-social-tags Define OpenGraph/twitter cards meta data in Contao Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-solr Contao Solr Integration Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-tawk-to Content element or module for Contao CMS to integrate service. Dependency Badge
hofff/contao-trueurl Folderlike page alias' with different editing tools and an improved frontend page selection algorithm. Dependency Badge
hofff/geo Utility for geographical calculations. Dependency Badge