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Packages from helmich

Package Status
helmich/flow-aws-s3 Publish TYPO3 Flow resources into AWS S3 storage Dependency Badge
helmich/flow-eventbroker TYPO3 Flow package containing an event dispatching mechanism Dependency Badge
helmich/flow-restapi-example Example application for REST webservices with TYPO3 Flow Dependency Badge
helmich/flow-resttools Utility package for creating RESTful webservices with TYPO3 Flow Dependency Badge
helmich/graphpizer-cli Store PHP syntax trees in Neo4j graph structures Dependency Badge
helmich/gridfs GridFS implementation for the MongoDB PHP extension Dependency Badge
helmich/mongomock Library containing highly intelligent MongoDB mocks for unit testing Dependency Badge
helmich/neos-disqus Add Disqus discussions to your site Dependency Badge
helmich/php-evaluator Evaluate an AST generated by PHPParser Dependency Badge
helmich/php-scalarclasses Wrap primitive data types with an object-oriented interface Dependency Badge
helmich/phpunit-json-assert PHPUnit assertions for JSON documents Dependency Badge
helmich/phpunit-psr7-assert PHPUnit assertions for testing PSR7-compliant applications Dependency Badge
helmich/schema2class Build PHP classes from JSON schema definitions Dependency Badge
helmich/typo3-typoscript-lint Static code analysis for the TypoScript configuration language. Dependency Badge
helmich/typo3-typoscript-parser Parser for the TYPO3 configuration language TypoScript. Dependency Badge