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Packages from heartsentwined

Package Status
heartsentwined/arg-validator Validate function arguments, extending typehinting capabilities of PHP. Dependency Badge
heartsentwined/background-exec Close a client HTTP connection and continue script execution in background. Dependency Badge
heartsentwined/cron-expr-parser Parse cron expressions and match them against time. Dependency Badge
heartsentwined/date-time-parser Parse date and time according to the subset of ISO 8601 date/time format used in Vcard [ISO 6350]. Dependency Badge
heartsentwined/file-system-manager A collection of file and directory management functions. Dependency Badge
heartsentwined/math A collection of math functions. Dependency Badge
heartsentwined/phing-task A collection of Phing Tasks. Dependency Badge
heartsentwined/php-cs-fixer Analyzes some PHP source code and tries to fix coding standards issues (PSR-1 and PSR-2 compatible) Dependency Badge
heartsentwined/url A collection of url-related functions. Dependency Badge
heartsentwined/utf8 A collection of utf8-related functions Dependency Badge
heartsentwined/yaml Wrapper around Symfony's Yaml parser - added __DIR__ support. Dependency Badge
heartsentwined/yuicompressor YUI Compressor is a popular CSS and JS minifier. Dependency Badge
heartsentwined/zf2-assetwig Integrates Assetic and Twig to a ZF2 application Dependency Badge
heartsentwined/zf2-browser web browser with quick browse methods using zf2's HTTP Client and cURL Dependency Badge
heartsentwined/zf2-cli helper functions for building a zf2 CLI app Dependency Badge
heartsentwined/zf2-cron ZF2 cron module Dependency Badge
heartsentwined/zf2-doctrine wrapper for DoctrineORMModule + DoctrineModule's CLI, tailored for yaml config files Dependency Badge
heartsentwined/zf2-geoname maintain a local copy of the Geonames database Dependency Badge
heartsentwined/zf2-phing-task A collection of Phing Tasks for a ZF2 app. Dependency Badge
heartsentwined/zf2-phpunit-testcase PHPUnit test case base classes for ZF2 applications. Dependency Badge
heartsentwined/zf2-vcard Work with Vcards in a ZF2 app. Dependency Badge