.Package | Status | |
happyr/annotation-warmer | Warms up your annotation cache | |
happyr/api-bundle | Api stuff for most Happyr projects | |
happyr/api-php-client | Happyr public API client library. | |
happyr/auth0-bundle | Symfony integration with auth0 | |
happyr/auto-fallback-translation-bundle | Make sure to use a translation service like Bing or Google to translate your missing messages | |
happyr/birthday-bundle | Happyr birthday bundle gives you a nicer way to render birthday widgets | |
happyr/blaze-bundle | Write down your routing mapping at one place | |
happyr/bref-hook-handler | Simple way to handle Bref Lambda hooks | |
happyr/bref-messenger-failure-strategies | Make sure you can use Bref Symfony Messenger failure strategies | |
happyr/cloud-flare-bundle | This Symfony2 bundle lets you talk to the CloudFlare client API | |
happyr/doctrine-specification | Specification Pattern for your Doctrine repositories | |
happyr/elastica-dsn | DSN support to ruflin/Elastica | |
happyr/entity-exists-validation-constraint | Verify that your entity exists | |
happyr/event-tracker-bundle | ||
happyr/excerpt-bundle | A Symfony2 Bundle to make excerpts | |
happyr/fortnox-payum-gateway | The Payum extension. It provides Fortnox payment integration. | |
happyr/google-analytics-bundle | The Google Analytics Bundle lets you send data (like event tracking) to Google. | |
happyr/google-api-bundle | A Symfony2 Wrapper for the Google APIs Client Library for PHP | |
happyr/google-maps-geocoder-bundle | A Symfony2 bundle to geocode places with google maps | |
happyr/google-site-authenticator-bundle | Authenticate your website (not your users) with Google API. Can be used instead as Domain-Wide Delegation of Authority | |
happyr/happyr-dialog | A nice javascript library that helps you to show dialogs. | |
happyr/identifier-interface | Write down your routing mapping at one place | |
happyr/json-api-response-factory | Response factory in compliance with apijson | |
happyr/linkedin-api-client | LinkedIn API client. Handles OAuth, CSRF protection. Easy to implement and extend. This is a standalone library for any composer project. | |
happyr/linkedin-bundle | A symfony bundle for happyr/linkedin-api-client | |
happyr/location-bundle | A Symfony2 Bundle to handle geographic location of your entities | |
happyr/mailer-bundle | Happyr MailerBundle lets you send nice HTML emails. Use a twig template to design your emails. You may even use attachments. | |
happyr/menu-builder-bundle | Build menus easily | |
happyr/message-serializer | Serialize classes the good way. | |
happyr/monolog-logstash-formatter | Monolog Logstash formatter | |
happyr/mq2php-bundle | Automatically consume messages from a message queue without using a cron. Works great with SimpleBus | |
happyr/normal-distribution-bundle | A bundle to calculate normal distribution and other related stuff | |
happyr/select2-for-symfony2 | Symfony2 bundle wrapping the Select2 jQuery plugin. | |
happyr/serializer-bundle | A bundle on top of Symfony's serializer. This supports annotations | |
happyr/service-mocking | Make it easy to mock services in a built container | |
happyr/simplebus-bundle | How Happyr use SimpleBus | |
happyr/slugify-bundle | A Symfony2 Bundle to slugify swedish texts | |
happyr/stomp-bundle | A Symfony2 Bundle to wrap the fusesource/stomp-php library | |
happyr/translation-bundle | Integrate Symfony with translations SaaS like | |
happyr/user-project-bundle | If you have multiple users that will share access to one or more objects. | |
happyr/uuid-param-converter | A simple param converter that handles UUID | |
happyr/wordpress-bundle |