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Packages from gisostallenberg

Package Status
gisostallenberg/bitwise-constant-calculator Calculates the value of bitwise operations on a list of constants Dependency Badge
gisostallenberg/correct-horse-battery-staple A password strength checker Dependency Badge
gisostallenberg/correct-horse-battery-staple-api Microservice for the password strength checker 'correct-horse-battery-staple' Dependency Badge
gisostallenberg/correct-horse-battery-staple-client Client to query the microservice for the password strength checker 'correct-horse-battery-staple' Dependency Badge
gisostallenberg/curlfile-serializer serialize and unserialize a CURLFile Dependency Badge
gisostallenberg/file-permission-calculator Library to convert file permissions from various formats to another Dependency Badge
gisostallenberg/file-serving Serve files to the browser that are not available directly Dependency Badge
gisostallenberg/fixed-token Generates and verifies tokens based on a secret and some public data Dependency Badge
gisostallenberg/pdo-clause-helper Utility to create placeholder strings to use in WHERE ... IN () clauses Dependency Badge
gisostallenberg/php-to-7-aid Tool to find and possibly fix backward incompatible changes in your existing codebase when upgrading to or preparing for PHP7 Dependency Badge
gisostallenberg/response-content-negotiation-bundle A bundle that allows creating various Response types from a controller, based on content negotiation Dependency Badge
gisostallenberg/url-builder Builds URL's the way pecl_http does this Dependency Badge
gisostallenberg/velpon-loader Dynamic glue for classes in a stack Dependency Badge