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Package.Health uses semantic versioning to detect outdated or insecure dependencies in your project's composer.json.

Packages from fp

Package Status
fp/badaboom Wise error catcher Dependency Badge
fp/badaboom-bundle Symfony2 wise error catcher Dependency Badge
fp/fumocker A php function mocker Dependency Badge
fp/jsformvalidator-bundle Javascript validation for sf[2|3|4] forms. Dependency Badge
fp/klarna-invoice It unofficial repo of Klarna Invoice service with Composer added. We use it with Dependency Badge
fp/lightopenid A PHP 5 library for easy openid authentication Dependency Badge
fp/openid-bundle Symfony2 OpenID security extension Dependency Badge
fp/testo Extract test as example and put them to doc Dependency Badge
fp/universal-error-catcher Easy way to catch and handle all php errors and exceptions. Dependency Badge