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Packages from fmasa

Package Status
fmasa/auto-di Dependency Badge
fmasa/doctrine-nullable-embeddables Mechanism for nullable embeddables in Doctrine 2.5+ Dependency Badge
fmasa/doctrine-yaml-annotations Custom annotations for YAML mapping Dependency Badge
fmasa/exchange Implementation of rate-exchange API for Money/Money. Dependency Badge
fmasa/leanmapper-generator Database generator for LeanMapper based on Doctrine DBAL Schemes Dependency Badge
fmasa/messenger Symfony/Messenger integration into Nette Framework Dependency Badge
fmasa/nette-pagination Pagination for Nette framework (a.k.a. VisualPaginator) Dependency Badge
fmasa/sentry-breadcrumbs-monolog-handler Monolog handler that transform log entries into breadcrumbs Dependency Badge