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Packages from flarum

Package Status
flarum/akismet Stop spam using the Akismet anti-spam service. Dependency Badge
flarum/approval Make discussions and posts require moderator approval. Dependency Badge
flarum/auth-facebook Allow users to log in with Facebook. Dependency Badge
flarum/auth-github Allow users to log in with GitHub. Dependency Badge
flarum/auth-twitter Allow users to log in with Twitter. Dependency Badge
flarum/bbcode Allow posts to be formatted with BBCode. Dependency Badge
flarum/composer-installer Dependency Badge
flarum/core Delightfully simple forum software. Dependency Badge
flarum/discussion-seo-slug-redirect Redirects from raw path to discussions Dependency Badge
flarum/embed Embed Flarum discussions as comments for your blog. Dependency Badge
flarum/emoji Convert text and unicode emoji into Twemoji. Dependency Badge
flarum/english English language pack. Dependency Badge
flarum/extension-manager An extension manager to install, update and remove extension packages from the interface (Wrapper around composer). Dependency Badge
flarum/flags Allow users to flag posts for moderator review. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum Delightfully simple forum software. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum-ext-akismet Stop spam using the Akismet anti-spam service. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum-ext-approval Make discussions and posts require moderator approval. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum-ext-auth-facebook Allow users to log in with Facebook. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum-ext-auth-github Allow users to log in with GitHub. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum-ext-auth-twitter Allow users to log in with Twitter. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum-ext-bbcode Allow posts to be formatted with BBCode. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum-ext-embed Embed Flarum discussions as comments for your blog. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum-ext-emoji Convert text and unicode emoji into Twemoji. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum-ext-english English language pack. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum-ext-flags Allow users to flag posts for moderator review. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum-ext-likes Allow users to like posts. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum-ext-lock End a discussion and don't let anyone add further replies. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum-ext-markdown Allow posts to be formatted with Markdown. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum-ext-mentions Mention and reply to specific posts and users. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum-ext-pusher See new discussions and posts in real-time using Pusher. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum-ext-statistics Add a basic statistics widget on the Dashboard. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum-ext-sticky Pin discussions to the top of the list. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum-ext-subscriptions Allow users to follow discussions and receive notifications for new posts. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum-ext-suspend Suspend users so they can't post. Dependency Badge
flarum/flarum-ext-tags Organize discussions into a hierarchy of tags and categories. Dependency Badge
flarum/framework Delightfully simple forum software. Dependency Badge
flarum/gdpr Features for GDPR, PII management Dependency Badge
flarum/json-api-server A fully automated JSON:API server implementation in PHP. Dependency Badge
flarum/lang-english English language pack. Dependency Badge
flarum/laravel-helpers Implementations of common Laravel helpers that make it simper to use Laravel libraries with Flarum. Dependency Badge
flarum/likes Allow users to like posts. Dependency Badge
flarum/lock End a discussion and don't let anyone add further replies. Dependency Badge
flarum/markdown Allow posts to be formatted with Markdown. Dependency Badge
flarum/mentions Mention and reply to specific posts and users. Dependency Badge
flarum/messages Private messaging Dependency Badge
flarum/nicknames Allow users to set nicknames. Dependency Badge
flarum/package-manager An extension manager to install, update and remove extension packages from the interface (Wrapper around composer). Dependency Badge
flarum/phpstan Flarum PHPStan extension Dependency Badge
flarum/pusher See new discussions and posts in real-time using Pusher. Dependency Badge
flarum/statistics Add a basic statistics widget on the Dashboard. Dependency Badge
flarum/sticky Pin discussions to the top of the list. Dependency Badge
flarum/subscriptions Allow users to follow discussions and receive notifications for new posts. Dependency Badge
flarum/suspend Suspend users so they can't post. Dependency Badge
flarum/tags Organize discussions into a hierarchy of tags and categories. Dependency Badge
flarum/testing Automated testing infrastructure for Flarum core and extensions. Dependency Badge