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Packages from firehed

Package Status
firehed/api Dependency Badge
firehed/arctools Easily integrate with Arcanist and libphutil Dependency Badge
firehed/auth Authentication toolset Dependency Badge
firehed/cbor CBOR decoder Dependency Badge
firehed/clock PSR-20 Clock implementation Dependency Badge
firehed/common Common PHP tools Dependency Badge
firehed/container Dependency inversion container with advanced autowiring and compilation support. PSR-11 compliant. Dependency Badge
firehed/daemon Turn a command-line script into a daemonized process Dependency Badge
firehed/dbal-logger Reimplementation of the SQLLogger Dependency Badge
firehed/deploy-command Deployment command Dependency Badge
firehed/input PHP Input Handling Tools Dependency Badge
firehed/inputobjects A collection of InputObjects to be used with firehed/input Dependency Badge
firehed/jwt JSON Web Token tools Dependency Badge
firehed/kube-sdk SDK for interacting with the Kubernetes API Dependency Badge
firehed/mocktrine PHPUnit Doctrine mocking tools Dependency Badge
firehed/null-psr16 Always-offline PSR-16 cache implemention, for fallback and testing Dependency Badge
firehed/php7ize Tools to quickly add PHP7 features to your existing codebase Dependency Badge
firehed/plow CLI tools to get PHP done quickly Dependency Badge
firehed/processmanager Simple base for daemonized wokers Dependency Badge
firehed/redis-psr16 Redis implementation of PSR-16 Dependency Badge
firehed/security Security tools for PHP Dependency Badge
firehed/simpledb Dependency Badge
firehed/simplelogger Logger compatible with PSR-3. Supports writing to files, STDOUT, STDERR, and syslog. Also provides a chain logger which can write to multiple destinations. Allows customizable and pluggable formats, including logfmt. Dependency Badge
firehed/u2f A library providing U2F authentication Dependency Badge
firehed/webauthn Support passkeys and Web Authentication Dependency Badge
firehed/workers Dependency Badge