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Packages from fillup

Package Status
fillup/apiaxle PHP library/module for interacting with ApiAxle APIs. Dependency Badge
fillup/array2xml Library for converting arrays to XML Dependency Badge
fillup/fake-bower-assets Use Composer "replace" to fake out installing bower-asset dependencies that aren't really needed Dependency Badge
fillup/guzzle-services Provides an implementation of the Guzzle Command library that uses Guzzle service descriptions to describe web services, serialize requests, and parse responses into easy to use model structures. Dependency Badge
fillup/nexmo Nexmo API client built with Guzzle Web Service descriptions Dependency Badge
fillup/phpldapadmin Composer enabled version of phpLDAPadmin Dependency Badge
fillup/phpmyadmin-minimal MySQL web administration tool Dependency Badge
fillup/typeform-sdk-php PHP client library for APIs Dependency Badge
fillup/walmart-auth-signature-php PHP library for calculating auth signatures for Walmart APIs Dependency Badge
fillup/walmart-partner-api-sdk-php PHP client for Walmart Partner APIs Dependency Badge
fillup/zfauthsaml Zend\Authentication SAML adapter. Uses existing simpleSAMLphp install. Dependency Badge