.Package | Status | |
facile-it/crossbar-http-publisher-bundle | This bundle allows to submit PubSub events via HTTP/POST requests to a Crossbar HTTP Publisher. | |
facile-it/doctrine-dynamic-discriminator-map | Dynamic discriminator map for Doctrine ORM | |
facile-it/doctrine-mysql-come-back | Auto reconnect on Doctrine MySql has gone away exceptions on doctrine/dbal | |
facile-it/doctrine-test-module | Laminas Framework module that provides features that help you run your Laminas-based App's testsuite more efficiently with isolated tests | |
facile-it/facile-coding-standard | coding standard | |
facile-it/laminas-link-headers-module | Laminas module to push Link headers for resourcers added with HeadLink view helper | |
facile-it/moka | Shorthand for creating mock objects | |
facile-it/mongodb-bundle | Bundle service integration of official [mongodb/mongo-php-library]( driver library | |
facile-it/mongodb-messenger-transport | A Symfony Messenger transport on MongoDB, on top of facile-it/mongodb-bundle | |
facile-it/openid-bundle | A Symfony bundle to integrate OpenId login | |
facile-it/paginator-bundle | lightweight symfony2 pagination | |
facile-it/paraunit | paraunit | |
facile-it/paraunit-testcase | paraunit testcase | |
facile-it/php-codec | A partial porting of io-ts in PHP | |
facile-it/php-jose-verifier | JWT Token Verifier. A JWT verifier for access tokens, id tokens and others | |
facile-it/php-oauth2-http-client | HTTPlug plugin for OpenID/OAuth2 authorization support | |
facile-it/php-openid-client | OpenID (OIDC) Client | |
facile-it/psalm-psr-log-plugin | Psalm plugin for psr/log (PSR-3) | |
facile-it/sentry-common | Sentry common library | |
facile-it/sentry-module | This module allows integration of Sentry Client into laminas and mezzio | |
facile-it/sentry-psr-log | PSR Logger for Sentry | |
facile-it/symfony-functional-testcase | A small functional base test case for Symfony | |
facile-it/terminable-loop-command | A Shell+PHP wrapper to run Symfony console commands in loop under a daemon or Kubernetes | |
facile-it/validoo | A super-simple validation class for PHP7.1 | |
facile-it/zf1-dbal-adapter | ZF1 Doctrine DBAL Adapter for MySql | |
facile-it/zf-link-headers-module | Zend Framework module to push Link headers for resourcers added with HeadLink view helper |