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Packages from fab

Package Status
fab/context-hints Display hints about the current Application Context Dependency Badge
fab/doi-system DOI System - OAI server emulation. OAI stands for Open Archives Initiative, a protocol for Metadata Harvesting. Dependency Badge
fab/formule Render a variety of forms template based on the FE such as contact form, registration form, etc... effortless! Dependency Badge
fab/mailing Define and assign list of recipients in the plugin settings. Users can send bunch of messages to them on the FE. Dependency Badge
fab/media Media management system for TYPO3 CMS. Dependency Badge
fab/media-upload Fluid widget for mass uploading files on the Frontend using HTML5 techniques powered by Fine Uploader - Dependency Badge
fab/messenger Send emails to a bunch of people. A message is wrapped in a template / layout that a BE user can freely edit in a BE module. Dependency Badge
fab/metadata PHP-based metadata extraction. Dependency Badge
fab/natural-carousel Natural Carousel gallery. Dependency Badge
fab/natural-gallery Display images as you scroll and enlarged them in a slideshow. Dependency Badge
fab/quick-form Generate quick form on the Frontend based on TCA Dependency Badge
fab/rss-display Fetch a RSS / Atom Feed and display its content on the Frontend. Dependency Badge
fab/sculpin-pages-bundle Sculpin Pages Bundle Dependency Badge
fab/vidi Generic listing of records with versatile ways of interacting with the data, e.g. advanced filter, inline editing, mass editing, ... Veni, vidi, vici! Dependency Badge
fab/vidi-frontend Generic List Component for the Frontend where content can be filtered in an advanced way... Veni, vidi, vici! Dependency Badge
fab/web-service Web Service to fetch data in a flexible way. Possible output format: JSON, Atom, HTML. The Web Service is meant for retrieving data only. Dependency Badge