18 total, 15 outdated
Package | Required | Latest | Status | |
doctrine/dbal | Powerful PHP database abstraction layer (DBAL) with many features for database schema introspection and management. | 2.5.*@beta | 4.2.2 | outdated |
doctrine/doctrine-bundle | Symfony DoctrineBundle | 1.3.*@beta | 2.13.2 | outdated |
friendsofsymfony/http-cache-bundle | Set path based HTTP cache headers and send invalidation requests to your HTTP cache | ~1.2 | 3.1.1 | outdated |
hautelook/templated-uri-bundle | Symfony2 Bundle that provides a RFC-6570 compatible router and URL Generator. | ~1.0 | ~2.0 | 3.5.0 | outdated |
kriswallsmith/buzz | Lightweight HTTP client | >=0.9 | 1.3.0 | up to date |
liip/imagine-bundle | This bundle provides an image manipulation abstraction toolkit for Symfony-based projects. | ~1.0 | 2.13.3 | outdated |
nelmio/cors-bundle | Adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers support in your Symfony application | 1.3.* | 2.5.0 | outdated |
ocramius/proxy-manager | A library providing utilities to generate, instantiate and generally operate with Object Proxies | 0.5.* | 2.14.1 | outdated |
oneup/flysystem-bundle | Integrates Flysystem filesystem abstraction library to your Symfony project. | ~0.4 | 4.12.4 | outdated |
pagerfanta/pagerfanta | Pagination for PHP | ~1.0 | v4.7.1 | outdated |
qafoo/rmf | Very simple VC framework which makes it easy to build HTTP applications / REST webservices | 1.0.* | 1.0.0 | up to date |
sensio/distribution-bundle | Base bundle for Symfony Distributions | ~2.3|~3.0 | v5.0.25 | outdated |
sensio/framework-extra-bundle | This bundle provides a way to configure your controllers with annotations | ~3.0 | v6.2.10 | outdated |
symfony-cmf/routing | Extends the Symfony routing component for dynamic routes and chaining several routers | ~1.1 | 3.0.4 | outdated |
symfony/expression-language | Provides an engine that can compile and evaluate expressions | ~2.4 | v7.2.0 | outdated |
symfony/symfony | The Symfony PHP framework | ~2.3 | v7.2.3 | outdated |
tedivm/stash-bundle | Incorporates the Stash caching library into Symfony. | 0.4.* | v0.9.0 | outdated |
zetacomponents/mail | The component allows you construct and/or parse Mail messages conforming to the mail standard. It has support for attachments, multipart messages and HTML mail. It also interfaces with SMTP to send mail or IMAP, POP3 or mbox to retrieve e-mail. | ~1.8 | 1.9.7 | up to date |
6 total, 4 outdated
Package | Required | Latest | Status | |
ezsystems/ezpublish-legacy | eZ Publish Legacy (aka LegacyStack in 5.x. Is an updated version of eZ Publish 4.x cable of being combined with eZ Platform) | @dev | v2019.03.6.1 | up to date |
matthiasnoback/symfony-dependency-injection-test | Library for testing user classes related to the Symfony Dependency Injection Component | 0.* | 6.0.0 | outdated |
mikey179/vfsstream | Virtual file system to mock the real file system in unit tests. | 1.1.0 | v1.6.12 | outdated |
mockery/mockery | Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework | dev-master | 1.6.12 | outdated |
phpunit/phpunit | The PHP Unit Testing framework. | ~4.1.3 | 12.0.3 | outdated |
symfony/assetic-bundle | Integrates Assetic into Symfony2 | ~2.3 | v2.8.2 | up to date |