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Packages from exadium

Package Status
exadium/blogarchivemenuwidget Based on the Archive Widget it shows blog entries by date with a menu look and feel. Through the CMS you can set for how many of the past years each month with a blog entry should be shown. For all older blog entries only the year is shown. Dependency Badge
exadium/breadcrumbnavigation Self contained Breadcrum Navigation module, allowing you to control the breadcrumbs look and feel using templates, and add additional levels of bread crumbs for e.g. dataobjects. Dependency Badge
exadium/emailverifiedmember This module provides a mechanism that requires users to verify their email address before they can log on to the CMS. This works with custom registration forms and the forum. Option for accounts to require manual moderation before they can log on. Dependency Badge
exadium/extra-attributes-field Extension of SilverStripe form fields to allow attributes for child elements on dropdown (option) and checkboxset (checkbox) fields. Dependency Badge
exadium/gridfield-icon-row-class SilverStripe module to add (fontawesome) icons and classes to rows in GridFields Dependency Badge
exadium/latestblogs Simple Silverstripe widget to show the 10 (default) latest blog posts on for example your homepage. After installing simply drop the widget onto a page, set the title and number of blog posts to display and you are up and running. Dependency Badge
exadium/silverstripe-invisible-spam-protection Very simple anti spam protection based on principle that automated spammers enter bogus information in all form fields. Field is added to form that is hidden using CSS hiding it from human users. Form is only allowed to be submitted if field is empty. Includes an EditableInvisibleSpamField to integrate with the UserForms module. Dependency Badge
exadium/silverstripe-module-assets-gallery The blog module allows you to post blogs on your SilverStripe. It includes the ability to post blogs using a site front-end form. Blogs are summarised on the blog holder page type, with more detail viewable when a specific blog is clicked. Dependency Badge
exadium/silverstripe-module-header-image-banner Include header image banners in templates of your SilverStripe website. If no banner image(s) are defined you can set whether the use images from parents, children, site config, or all available. If multiple images are used they are displayed using Nivo slider (included). Dependency Badge
exadium/sitemap Easily create a user friendly sitemaps for your whole or parts of your website. Ideal for your users when they have created a page with several sub pages and want the parent page to show the available underlying pages. Dependency Badge