
2 total, 2 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
nette/application 🏆 Nette Application: a full-stack component-based MVC kernel for PHP that helps you write powerful and modern web applications. Write less, have cleaner code and your work will bring you joy. ~2.2 v3.2.6 outdated
nette/di 💎 Nette Dependency Injection Container: Flexible, compiled and full-featured DIC with perfectly usable autowiring and support for all new PHP features. ~2.2 v3.2.2 outdated

Requires (dev)

2 total, 1 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
arachne/coding-style Coding style ruleset for PHP CodeSniffer used by Arachne. ~0.2 v0.3.0 up to date
squizlabs/php_codesniffer PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards. ~1.4 3.11.0 outdated