.Package | Status | |
emonkak/collection | A collection library as a container for aggregation of objects | |
emonkak/database | A database abstraction interface as a subset of PDO | |
emonkak/date-time | A date and time library fitted to built-in DateTimeInterface | |
emonkak/di | A fast dependency injection library for PHP | |
emonkak/enumerable | An implementation of LINQ to Objects for PHP | |
emonkak/http-application | A http application for PSR-15 http server request handlers | |
emonkak/http-exception | Provides exception classes to representing HTTP errors | |
emonkak/http-middleware | A http application for PSR-15 http server request handlers | |
emonkak/interval | An interval of time between two datetimes | |
emonkak/orm | A strict typed Object-Relational Mapper | |
emonkak/random | A random number generator library | |
emonkak/router | A simple and generic router for HTTP request | |
emonkak/underbar.php | A collection processing library for PHP, like Underscore.js | |
emonkak/validation | A type-based validation library | |
emonkak/waf | A flexible and composable web application framework |