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Packages from drupol

Package Status
drupol/anonymize Converts an object/class into an anonymous class. Dependency Badge
drupol/belgian-national-number-faker Belgian national number faker generator using fzaninotto/faker. Dependency Badge
drupol/cas-bundle A bundle for Symfony 4 & 5, providing authentication against a Central Authentication Service (CAS) server. Dependency Badge
drupol/cas-bundle-demo Symfony 4 demo application with CAS authentication enabled. Dependency Badge
drupol/composer-local-repo-plugin A plugin for Composer which provides a command to create local Composer repository for your projects. Dependency Badge
drupol/composer-packages Composer Packages is a Composer plugin for getting information about installed packages in your project. Dependency Badge
drupol/composer-plugin-nixify Composer plugin to help with Nix packaging, temporary fork of stephank/composer-plugin-nixify Dependency Badge
drupol/drupal7_psr3_watchdog A PSR3 logger using Drupal 7 watchdog. Dependency Badge
drupol/drupal7_session_services Provides Session services to connect to Drupal 7 session management. Dependency Badge
drupol/drupal-conventions Drupal conventions for coding. Dependency Badge
drupol/dynamicobjects Create and manage dynamic properties and methods on a PHP object. Dependency Badge
drupol/ecas CAS library to communicate with eCAS/EULogin Dependency Badge
drupol/eulogin-bundle Symfony 4 demo application with CAS authentication enabled. Dependency Badge
drupol/htmltag A fast and extensible helper library for generating HTML, create tags, their attributes and content. Dependency Badge
drupol/launcher Open a file or a resource with the default OS application. Dependency Badge
drupol/memoize Memoize a closure. Dependency Badge
drupol/phingbehattask Behat task for Phing. Dependency Badge
drupol/phpartition Partition problem for balanced arrays splitting made easy. Dependency Badge
drupol/phpblockchain A blockchain implementation. Dependency Badge
drupol/php-conventions PHP conventions based on GrumPHP. Dependency Badge
drupol/phpcsfixer-configs-drupal Base PHP CS Fixer configurations for Drupal 7 and 8. Dependency Badge
drupol/phpcsfixer-configs-php Base PHP CS Fixer configurations. Dependency Badge
drupol/phpermutations Generators and iterators, permutations and combinations. Dependency Badge
drupol/phpmerkle A fast and dynamic Merkle tree implementation Dependency Badge
drupol/phpngrams Get N-Grams from strings and/or arrays. Dependency Badge
drupol/phposinfo Try to guess the host operating system. Dependency Badge
drupol/phpspec-annotation PHPSpec extension that allows you to use annotated methods for tests. Dependency Badge
drupol/phpspec-code-coverage Generate Code Coverage reports for PhpSpec tests Dependency Badge
drupol/phptree An implementation of tree data structure Dependency Badge
drupol/psrcas PSR CAS, a standard library for CAS authentication. Dependency Badge
drupol/sncbdelay_telegram TODO Dependency Badge
drupol/sncbdelay_twitter TODO Dependency Badge
drupol/valuewrapper This library allows you to wrap any kind of PHP variable in a strict typed PHP object. Dependency Badge
drupol/yaroc YAROC: Yet Another Random.Org Client. Dependency Badge