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Packages from drupal

Package Status
drupal/acquia_cms_dam Provides an Acquia DAM related configuration. Dependency Badge
drupal/acsf_companion drupal/acsf support plugin Dependency Badge
drupal/ai_ecosystem Gets all the different AI modules and libraries Dependency Badge
drupal/arch Arch is an e-commerce Drupal module Dependency Badge
drupal/artifact_deployment Artifact Deployment Dependency Badge
drupal/at_base Provide some more API for developer to work with Drupal Dependency Badge
drupal/automated_testing_kit_demo_recipe Create a standalone Drupal demonstration site with Automated Testing Kit. Dependency Badge
drupal/breezy_paragraphs Provides a configurable Paragraphs behavior plugin that enables adding Breezy Utility classes to Paragraphs types. Dependency Badge
drupal/cacheable_types Dependency Badge
drupal/cache_remember Dependency Badge
drupal/cforge Hamlets distribution for LETS and Time banks Dependency Badge
drupal/clean_package A composer cleanup plugin, to keep only production required package files and maintain better security level. Dependency Badge
drupal/cms Drupal CMS is a ready-to-use platform built on Drupal core, offering smart defaults to get started quickly and enterprise-grade tools for marketers, designers, and content creators. Dependency Badge
drupal/coder Coder is a library to review Drupal code. Dependency Badge
drupal/commerce_kickstart_demo Commerce Kickstart Demo is a recipe to be applied to a Commerce Kickstart installation that creates the entire demo store, including its configuration and default content. Dependency Badge
drupal/commerce_recipe_user_roles This recipe defines a set of user roles that represent the most common types of users managing a Drupal Commerce store. Dependency Badge
drupal/commerce_taxcloud The Commerce TaxCloud module enables your Drupal Commerce store to calculate appropriate tax rates for the line items in a shopping cart using TaxCloud's API. Dependency Badge
drupal/computed_relationships Provides the power to reference entities dynamically. Dependency Badge
drupal/config_sync_without_site_uuid Dependency Badge
drupal/console The Drupal CLI. A tool to generate boilerplate code, interact with and debug Drupal. Dependency Badge
drupal/console-ar Drupal Console Arabic Language Dependency Badge
drupal/console-ca Drupal Console Catalan Language Dependency Badge
drupal/console-core Drupal Console Core Dependency Badge
drupal/console-develop Drupal Console Development commands Dependency Badge
drupal/console-dotenv Drupal Console Dotenv Dependency Badge
drupal/console-en Drupal Console English Language Dependency Badge
drupal/console-es Drupal Console Spanish Language Dependency Badge
drupal/console-extend Drupal Console Extend Template Dependency Badge
drupal/console-extend-example Drupal Console library extend example Dependency Badge
drupal/console-extend-plugin Drupal Console Extend Plugin Dependency Badge
drupal/console-fa-ir Drupal Console Farsi Language Dependency Badge
drupal/console-fr Drupal Console French Language Dependency Badge
drupal/console-he Drupal Console Hebrew Language Dependency Badge
drupal/console-hi Drupal Console Hindi Language Dependency Badge
drupal/console-hu Drupal Console Hungarian Language Dependency Badge
drupal/console-id Drupal Console Indonesian Language Dependency Badge
drupal/console-ja Drupal Console Japanese Language Dependency Badge
drupal/console-ko Drupal Console Korean language Dependency Badge
drupal/console-launcher Drupal Console launcher Dependency Badge
drupal/console-mr Drupal Console Marathi Language Dependency Badge
drupal/console-pa Drupal Console Punjabi language Dependency Badge
drupal/console-pt-br Drupal Console Brazilian Portuguese Dependency Badge
drupal/console-ro Drupal Console Romanian language Dependency Badge
drupal/console-ru Drupal Console Russian Language Dependency Badge
drupal/console-ur Drupal Console Urdu Language Dependency Badge
drupal/console-vn Drupal Console Vietnamese language Dependency Badge
drupal/console-yaml Drupal Console Yaml Dependency Badge
drupal/console-zh-hans Drupal Console Chinese Simplified Language Dependency Badge
drupal/console-zh-hant Drupal Console Chinese Tradicional Dependency Badge
drupal/core Drupal is an open source content management platform powering millions of websites and applications. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-annotation Annotation discovery and implementation of plugins. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-assertion Provides helper functionality for runtime assertions. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-bridge Bridge. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-class-finder This class provides a class finding utility. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-composer-scaffold A flexible Composer project scaffold builder. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-datetime This class wraps the PHP DateTime class with more flexible initialization parameters, allowing a date to be created from an existing date object, a timestamp, a string with an unknown format, a string with a known format, or an array of date parts. It also adds an errors array and a __toString() method to the date object. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-dependency-injection Dependency Injection container optimized for Drupal's needs. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-dev require-dev dependencies from drupal/drupal; use in addition to drupal/core-recommended to run tests from drupal/core. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-dev-pinned Pinned require-dev dependencies from drupal/drupal; use in addition to drupal/core-recommended to run tests from drupal/core. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-diff Diff. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-discovery Discovery. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-event-dispatcher EventDispatcher. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-file-cache FileCache. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-file-security FileSecurity. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-filesystem FileSystem. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-front-matter Component for parsing front matter from a source. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-gettext PHP library for reading PO files. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-graph Graph. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-http-foundation HttpFoundation. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-php-storage PhpStorage. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-plugin Base building block for a scalable and extensible plug-in system for PHP components and application framework extensions. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-project-message Adds a message after Composer installation. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-proxy-builder Provides a lightweight mechanism to provide lazy loaded proxies. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-recommended Core and its dependencies with known-compatible minor versions. Require this project INSTEAD OF drupal/core. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-render Renders placeholder variables for HTML and plain-text display. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-serialization Serialization. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-transliteration Transliteration. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-utility Mostly static utility classes for string, xss, array, image, and other commonly needed manipulations. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-uuid UUID generation and validation. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-vendor-hardening Hardens the vendor directory for when it's in the docroot. Dependency Badge
drupal/core-version Utility classes for process Drupal specific version information. Dependency Badge
drupal/cors Enable cors options in Drupal 8 Dependency Badge
drupal/currency Provides your Drupal site with currency conversion, currency information & metadata, and amount/price display functionality. Dependency Badge
drupal/cwo_demo Initial configuration for Commerce Webform Order Dependency Badge
drupal/d7-plugin Base building block for a scalable and extensible plug-in system for PHP components and application framework extensions. Includes discoveries. Dependency Badge
drupal/daemonizer Daemonizer allows Drush commands to be executed repeatly as a long-running background task. Dependency Badge
drupal/default_content Imports default content when a module is enabled Dependency Badge
drupal/dev-dependencies require-dev dependencies from drupal/drupal; use in addition to drupal/core-recommended to run tests from drupal/core. Dependency Badge
drupal/devel Various blocks, pages, and functions for developers. Dependency Badge
drupal/discord_php_recipe_echo ECA-model that shows the capabilities of the DiscordPHP-module. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal Drupal is an open source content management platform powering millions of websites and applications. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_automatic_updater Updates Drupal core and contrib modules. Compatible with Drupal 8+ only. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal-builder Drupal builder. Written on Bash. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_accessibility_tools Adds automated checks to help ensure content conforms to web accessibility guidelines. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_admin_ui Sets up a nice administrative theme and navigation. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_ai Adds integration with AI services, such as alt text generation and a chat bot to assist with site building. Requires an API key from Open AI or Anthropic. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_analytics Adds recipes for tracking website traffic. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_anti_spam Sets up anti-spam and anti-abuse functionality. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_authentication Sets up a site with useful authentication features. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_blog Adds a blog post content type and listing page. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_bootstrap Sets up a basic bootstrap theme instalation. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_case_study Adds a case study content type and listing page. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_content_type_base Provides basic tools for creating content. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_demo_content Provides demo content for Drupal CMS Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_events Adds an event content type and listing page. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_forms Adds a simple contact form, and tools for building forms. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_geo_images A Drupal Recipe that enables advanced Geo-mapping functionalities with Media Images Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_google_analytics Adds tracking of website traffic using Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager. Requires a Google Tag Manager ID. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_image Sets up base image configuration including responsive image styles, view modes, focal point-based cropping and SVG images. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_news Adds a news content type and listing page. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_page Adds a content type for simple pages. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_person Adds a person profile content type. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_privacy_basic Adds basic privacy features such as consent management and remote content blocking. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_project Adds a project content type and listing page. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_remote_video Configures display options for remote video. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_search Adds a search to help visitors find content. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_seo_basic Provides basic SEO best practices. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_seo_tools Adds common search engine optimisation tools such as meta tags, XML sitemap, robots.txt management and more. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal_cms_starter Applies the foundational Drupal CMS recipes. Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal-core-strict Locked core dependencies Dependency Badge
drupal/drupalctl Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal-driver A collection of reusable Drupal drivers Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal-extension Drupal extension for Behat Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal-library-installer-plugin Dependency Badge
drupal/drupal-scaffold Composer Plugin for updating the Drupal scaffold files when using drupal/core Dependency Badge
drupal/drutopia_dev_template Project template for development versions of Drupal 10 Drutopia projects. Dependency Badge
drupal/drutopia_template Project template for Drupal 9 Drutopia projects with a relocated document root Dependency Badge
drupal/dynamic_entity_reference Provides a field that allows an entity-reference field to reference more than one entity type. Dependency Badge
drupal/easy_email_express Easy Email configuration that replaces all core emails with HTML formatted emails. Dependency Badge
drupal/easy_email_standard Easy Email module and theme for sending HTML emails from Drupal. Dependency Badge
drupal/easy_email_text_format Text format and editor config for editing HTML body of Easy Email templates. Dependency Badge
drupal/easy_email_types_core Easy Email templates that replicate and override the content of emails sent by Drupal core with HTML-formatted versions. Dependency Badge
drupal/easy_email_types_default A default Easy Email template configured to override all emails sent from the site. Dependency Badge
drupal/entity_dumper Drush command to dump entities Dependency Badge
drupal/entity_views Provides a generic set of views plugins. Dependency Badge
drupal/events A content type and view to help manage events in Drupal. Dependency Badge
drupal/events_calendar Initial configuration to show your Events in a calendar view Dependency Badge
drupal/events_locations Allows events to specify a location reference. Dependency Badge
drupal/events_recurring Configure events to manage recurring dates Dependency Badge
drupal/events_registration Allows for user registration on events. Dependency Badge
drupal/external_entity Consume external entities from various sources. Dependency Badge
drupal/ez_article Provides article content type. Dependency Badge
drupal/ez_decoupled Enable api support and preview feature for decoupled apps Dependency Badge
drupal/ez_page_builder Provides Landing Page Builder with components Dependency Badge
drupal/ez_smart_article Provides AI Features for EZContent. Dependency Badge
drupal/fillpdf Allows users to populate PDF forms from website data. Dependency Badge
drupal/force_locale_check Adds a pre-command hook to locale:check to force download of all translations files. Dependency Badge
drupal/friendly_captcha_challenge TBD Dependency Badge
drupal/fullcalendar_io TBD Dependency Badge
drupal/general_example Testing for Packagist Integration Dependency Badge
drupal/govnl GovNL Drupal Distribution Dependency Badge
drupal/govnl_cms_project Project template for Drupal projects with a relocated document root Dependency Badge
drupal/govnl_project Project template for GovNL Drupal distribution. Dependency Badge
drupal/iiif_media_source Layout Paragraphs Dependency Badge
drupal/import_csv Create nodes, users, taxonomy terms, etc. from CSV files. Dependency Badge
drupal/klaro_js Mirror of the Klaro consent manager javascript library tagged as a Drupal library. Dependency Badge
drupal/la_eu Drupal powered website for Local Associations Dependency Badge
drupal/legacy-project Project template for Drupal projects with composer following drupal/drupal layout Dependency Badge
drupal/legacy-scaffold-assets Scaffold assets from drupal/drupal; for use with versions 8.0.x - 8.7.x. Dependency Badge
drupal/locations Provides a location content type and related configuration. Dependency Badge
drupal/lupus_decoupled_blog A recipe to install Drupal CMS Blog recipe including Lupus Decoupled Drupal. Dependency Badge
drupal/lupus_decoupled_recipe A recipe to install Lupus Decoupled Drupal on your Drupal site. Dependency Badge
drupal/marconi Openstack Zaqar is an OpenStack project designed to be an open alternative to Amazon SQS and SNS. This module implements Openstack Queues as an alternative Drupal Queue backend. Dependency Badge
drupal/markdown_easy_entities Installs, configures, and creates content and block type for Markdown Easy module for Drupal. Dependency Badge
drupal/micro Micro module Dependency Badge
drupal/migrate_quickstart Migrate Quickstart Dependency Badge
drupal/normalized_responsive_images The Normalized Responsive Images recipe provides several sets of aspect ratio based responsive image styles and corresponding image view modes to display Normalized Image Styles. Dependency Badge
drupal/nouislider_js Mirror of the noUiSlider javascript library tagged as a Drupal library. Dependency Badge
drupal/nttdata_drupal_builder_admin_ui Sets up a nice administrative theme and navigation. Dependency Badge
drupal/nttdata_drupal_builder_content_extra Provides basic tools for creating content. Dependency Badge
drupal/nttdata_drupal_builder_content_type_base Provides basic tools for creating content. Dependency Badge
drupal/nttdata_drupal_builder_frontend_theme Sets up a nice administrative theme and navigation. Dependency Badge
drupal/nttdata_drupal_builder_image Sets up base image configuration including responsive image styles, view modes, focal point-based cropping and SVG images. Dependency Badge
drupal/nttdata_drupal_builder_news Adds a news content type with an overview page and related news items. Dependency Badge
drupal/nttdata_drupal_builder_page A basic content type to create simple pages. Dependency Badge
drupal/nttdata_drupal_builder_starter Sets up a Drupal CMS site with useful features and sample content. Dependency Badge
drupal/oktaplus Okta-specific enhancements for OpenID Connect Dependency Badge
drupal/opcache Dependency Badge
drupal/openculturas_project The OpenCulturas project template. Dependency Badge
drupal/openstack_queues Openstack Zaqar is an OpenStack project designed to be an open alternative to Amazon SQS and SNS. This module implements Openstack Queues as an alternative Drupal Queue backend. Dependency Badge
drupal/operations Operations Experience Platform Dependency Badge
drupal/panopoly-framework Dependency Badge
drupal/parse-composer Dependency Badge
drupal/payment Dependency Badge
drupal/php-signify Signify-compliant signature verification Dependency Badge
drupal/pinned-dev-dependencies Pinned require-dev dependencies from drupal/drupal; use in addition to drupal/core-recommended to run tests from drupal/core. Dependency Badge
drupal/plugin_selector Dependency Badge
drupal/pm_carousel_js Dependency Badge
drupal/predis Dependency Badge
drupal/rat Dependency Badge
drupal/recipe_installer_kit Dependency Badge
drupal/recommended-project Project template for Drupal projects with a relocated document root Dependency Badge
drupal/root The web root directory for Drupal. Dependency Badge
drupal/rwprofile Drupal profile for RW Drupal platform. Dependency Badge
drupal/search_api_elasticsearch Provides an Elasticsearch backend for the Search API module. Dependency Badge
drupal/sector Sector is a distribution for Drupal 10. Dependency Badge
drupal/sector_project_template A composer-based Drupal project template using Sector. Dependency Badge
drupal/sobki_profile_bootstrap Sobki profile based on UI Suite Bootstrap. Dependency Badge
drupal/sobki_profile_dsfr Sobki profile based on UI Suite DSFR. Dependency Badge
drupal/spaces_og_accelerated This module provides performance enhancements for spaces_og. Dependency Badge
drupal/sql_tools Query database and table sizes, optimize tables and more. Dependency Badge
drupal/stamps Provides Symfony Messenger stamps related to core or simple functionality. Dependency Badge
drupal/stringoverrides Provides a quick and easy way of replacing text. Dependency Badge
drupal/tangler Dependency Badge
drupal/test_jar Recipe for setting up JSON:API Reference for testing Dependency Badge
drupal/test_plugin For testing purposes Dependency Badge
drupal/tour_core A recipe for getting tours of Drupal core. Dependency Badge
drupal/tour_core_language A recipe for getting tours of Drupal core language modules. Dependency Badge
drupal/tqextension Behat extension for testing Drupal sites Dependency Badge
drupal/ui_suite UI Suite Dependency Badge
drupal/ui_suite_bootstrap_demo UI Suite Bootstrap demo Dependency Badge
drupal/user_privacy_cms A Drupal recipe that allows username visibility for node authors while maintaining privacy for other users. Dependency Badge
drupal/user_privacy_core A Drupal recipe that restricts username visibility to administrators. Dependency Badge
drupal/varbase_ai_agents Provides an AI-powered chatbot for streamlined administration and allows managing multiple agents with distinct functionalities. Dependency Badge
drupal/varbase_ai_default A recipe to configure default AI modules, settings, and permissions in Varbase, enabling OpenAI integrations for alt-text generation, CKEditor enhancements, and various AI-powered features. Dependency Badge
drupal/varbase_ai_editor_assistant A recipe to add AI-powered features and an assistant button to a CKEditor 5 text editor Dependency Badge
drupal/varbase_ai_image_alt Provides a recipe to automatically generate and fill the alt text of an image field using AI. Dependency Badge
drupal/varbase_ai_taxonomy_tagging Provides a recipe to automatically tag selected referenced taxonomy terms based on the content entity's body field. Dependency Badge
drupal/velir_base A recipe tailored to best practices for kickstarting a new Drupal 10 project by Velir. Dependency Badge
drupal/vote Multi-functional voting widget. Dependency Badge
drupal/zaya_project Sets a self learning system based on learning itineraries. Dependency Badge