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Packages from dragon-code

Package Status
dragon-code/api-response Package for standardizing the responses from the API of your Symfony based applications. Dependency Badge
dragon-code/benchmark Simple comparison of code execution speed between different options Dependency Badge
dragon-code/card-number Generation and verification of card numbers using Luhn's algorithm. Dependency Badge
dragon-code/codestyler A tool to automatically fix Coding Style Standards issues by The Dragon Code. Dependency Badge
dragon-code/contracts A set of contracts for any project Dependency Badge
dragon-code/docs-generator Document generation assistant. Dependency Badge
dragon-code/env-sync Keeping your .env.example is up-to-date Dependency Badge
dragon-code/env-sync-laravel env-sync package adapter for Laravel framework Dependency Badge
dragon-code/extended-routes This helper extends the standard set of resource routing methods to work with SoftDeletes and other extends Dependency Badge
dragon-code/github-notifications Reduce your notification burden on GitHub! Dependency Badge
dragon-code/laravel-actions Performing any actions during the deployment process Dependency Badge
dragon-code/laravel-app Provides backwards compatibility for app:name command in the latest Laravel release. Dependency Badge
dragon-code/laravel-cache An improved interface for working with cache Dependency Badge
dragon-code/laravel-data-dumper Adding data from certain tables when executing the `php artisan schema:dump` console command Dependency Badge
dragon-code/laravel-deploy-operations Performing any actions during the deployment process Dependency Badge
dragon-code/laravel-http-logger Logging incoming HTTP requests Dependency Badge
dragon-code/laravel-http-macros Extending the functionality of the Laravel HTTP client Dependency Badge
dragon-code/laravel-http-user-agent Passing your own User Agent in all Http requests Dependency Badge
dragon-code/laravel-ide-facades-helper Laravel IDE Facade Helper, generates correct PHPDocs for your Facade classes, to improve auto-completion. Dependency Badge
dragon-code/laravel-json-response Automatically always return a response in JSON format Dependency Badge
dragon-code/laravel-migration-actions Performing any actions during the deployment process Dependency Badge
dragon-code/laravel-route-names Automatic generation of route names Dependency Badge
dragon-code/laravel-routes-core The core of applications for working with routes Dependency Badge
dragon-code/laravel-support Various helper files for the Laravel and Lumen frameworks Dependency Badge
dragon-code/last-modified Setting the response code 304 Not Modified in the absence of content changes. Dependency Badge
dragon-code/migrate-db Easy data transfer from one database to another Dependency Badge
dragon-code/notify-exceptions Notify the site administrator of any errors through various channels of communication. Dependency Badge
dragon-code/pretty-array Simple conversion of an array to a pretty view Dependency Badge
dragon-code/pretty-routes Pretty Routes for Laravel Dependency Badge
dragon-code/runtime-comparison Simple comparison of execution time of different code Dependency Badge
dragon-code/sentriable-laravel sentry/sentry-laravel package extension Dependency Badge
dragon-code/simple-data-transfer-object Simple Data Transfer Objects Dependency Badge
dragon-code/simple-dto Simple Data Transfer Objects Dependency Badge
dragon-code/size-sorter Easily sort clothing size, height, bra size, furniture size and more Dependency Badge
dragon-code/support Support package is a collection of helpers and tools for any project. Dependency Badge
dragon-code/translation-set Translation set for The Dragon Code packages Dependency Badge
dragon-code/verbose Displaying verbose messages Dependency Badge
dragon-code/web-core Web core for the Dragon Code apps Dependency Badge
dragon-code/which-color A simple helper, helping to determine what color the text will look better over a monotonous color. Dependency Badge
dragon-code/xml-core Preset settings for packages that work with XML files. Dependency Badge