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Packages from divineomega

Package Status
divineomega/animal-sounds Animal sounds Dependency Badge
divineomega/array_undot array_undot (the opposite of the array_dot helper function) expands a dot notation array into a full multi-dimensional array. Dependency Badge
divineomega/artisan-menu Use Artisan via an elegant console GUI Dependency Badge
divineomega/attempt Attempt to run a function, retrying if needed Dependency Badge
divineomega/baby-tracker-data-parser PHP parser for data exported from the Baby Tracker Android app by Amila Dependency Badge
divineomega/cachetphp cachet.php is a PHP client library for the Cachet status page Dependency Badge
divineomega/clippy-for-laravel Clippy for Laravel Dependency Badge
divineomega/dates-timezone-conversion-trait Automatically convert an Eloquent model's dates to and from the current user's timezone Dependency Badge
divineomega/dependency-security-checker Dependency Badge
divineomega/do-file-cache DO File Cache is a PHP File-based Caching Library. Its syntax is designed to closely resemble the PHP memcache extension. Dependency Badge
divineomega/do-file-cache-psr-6 PSR-6 adapter for DO File Cache Dependency Badge
divineomega/dotenv-loader Dotenv loader is a simple PHP library that will automatically load in a `.env` file from the root of your project into environment variables. Dependency Badge
divineomega/eloquent-attribute-value-prediction Predict attribute values for your Laravel Eloquent models using machine learning! Dependency Badge
divineomega/email-structure-parser Email Structure Parser Dependency Badge
divineomega/exiguous-ecommerce Exiguous Ecommerce is a super simple ecommerce library, that uses flat files and takes a very minimalistic approach. Dependency Badge
divineomega/fuzzy-events Perform actions based on fuzzy string matches Dependency Badge
divineomega/github-status-api Programmatically determine if GitHub is working well, or experiencing issues Dependency Badge
divineomega/is_offensive This PHP package provides an `is_offensive` helper function. Passing a string to `is_offensive` will return a boolean telling you if it contains offensive words. Dependency Badge
divineomega/json-key-value-store A simple JSON based key value store Dependency Badge
divineomega/laravel-addresses Laravel Addresses Dependency Badge
divineomega/laravel-domain-to-locale Change your Laravel app's locale based on the domain name Dependency Badge
divineomega/laravel-extendable-basket 🛒 Laravel Extendable Basket provides several abstract classes that implement basic ecommerce basket functionality Dependency Badge
divineomega/laravel-geolocation-request Laravel Geolocation Request Dependency Badge
divineomega/laravel-last-activity Stores the last activity time of users within your Laravel application Dependency Badge
divineomega/laravel-malware-validation-rule Scans uploaded files for viruses and other malware Dependency Badge
divineomega/laravel-multiple-choice Package that provides multiple choice questions and answers Dependency Badge
divineomega/laravel-natural-where Laravel Natural Where extends the Laravel query builder to allow expressing of where operators in natural language. Dependency Badge
divineomega/laravel-offensive-validation-rule Laravel validation rule that checks if a string is offensive. Dependency Badge
divineomega/laravel-omega-search Easily add an intelligent search engine to your Laravel powered website or web application Dependency Badge
divineomega/laravel-password-exposed-validation-rule Laravel validation rule that checks if a password has been exposed in a data breach Dependency Badge
divineomega/laravel-password-security-audit Laravel Password Security Audit Dependency Badge
divineomega/laravel-route-restrictor Laravel middleware to restrict a site or specific routes using HTTP basic authentication Dependency Badge
divineomega/object_to_array This PHP package provides an `object_to_array` helper function. Dependency Badge
divineomega/omega-search Search allows you to easily add an intelligent search engine to your website or web application. Dependency Badge
divineomega/omega-validator Omega Validator Dependency Badge
divineomega/password_exposed This PHP package provides a `password_exposed` helper function, that uses the API to check if a password has been exposed in a data breach. Dependency Badge
divineomega/password-suggester Dependency Badge
divineomega/phantomjs-laravel-testing PhantomJS Laravel Testing Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-base-search Base interfaces/classes for searcher and search results Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-bucket-testing This library enables developers to easily redirect users to different URLs, for the purpose of bucket testing. Bucket testing is also known as A/B testing or split testing. This type of testing is used to test two or more versions of a webpage to determine which one performs better based on specfied key metrics, such as clicks, downloads, purchases or any other form of conversion. Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-camel-caser Lets you use built-in PHP functions in camel case Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-cli-progress-bar Progress bar for command line PHP scripts Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-countries 🌍 PHP Countries is a library that provides an elegant syntax to country data. Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-dcom PHP Database Connection Object Manager Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-distance Allows for calculation of many types of distance between points Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-dot-net-ticks Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-file-sync Synchronise files between multiple local or remote file systems Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-geolocation PHP library that determines the country of an IP address Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-hcl-parser PHP HCL Parser Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-languages Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-password-cracker PHP package to crack passwords Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-postcodes This library handles various UK postcode related tasks such as address lookup by postcode, postcode validation, generation of valid UK postcodes and getting a postcode's outward and inward codes. Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-reading-time Calculates reading time for text Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-reddit-search PHP Reddit Search Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-server-info Gets metrics on a server via an SSH connection Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-ssh-connection Provides an elegant syntax to connect to SSH servers and execute commands. Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-stackexchange-search PHP StackExchange Search Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-summary PHP Summarization Library Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-wikipedia-search PHP Wikipedia Search Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-wikitext-parser Parse Wikitext in PHP Dependency Badge
divineomega/php-word-info PHP library to look up information about words Dependency Badge
divineomega/psr-18-guzzle-adapter PSR-18 adapter for the Guzzle HTTP client Dependency Badge
divineomega/seo-middleware SEO Middleware - middleware to redirect to HTTPS when in production, and remove www. from URLs Dependency Badge
divineomega/sms-providers Provides data on popular SMS providers Dependency Badge
divineomega/soapsuds Soapsuds is a PHP library that allows developers to easily create a SOAP web service from a regular class. Dependency Badge
divineomega/symfony-password-exposed-bundle Symfony bundle that checks if a password has been exposed in a data breach Dependency Badge
divineomega/thisishowirole 'This Is How I Role' is a PHP role management system that can be applied to any class. Dependency Badge
divineomega/translator A simple PHP internationalisation library Dependency Badge
divineomega/uxdm UXDM helps developers migrate data from one system or format to another. Dependency Badge
divineomega/uxdm-doctrine Doctrine package for the UXDM data migrator Dependency Badge
divineomega/uxdm-eloquent Eloquent package for the UXDM data migrator Dependency Badge
divineomega/uxdm-excel Excel package for the UXDM data migrator Dependency Badge
divineomega/uxdm-pdf-destination PDF destination for the UXDM data migrator Dependency Badge
divineomega/uxdm-spatie-data-transfer-object Spatie Data Transfer Object package for the UXDM data migrator Dependency Badge
divineomega/web-article-formatter Web Article Formatter Dependency Badge
divineomega/wikipedia-info-box-parser Parses the info boxes on Wikipedia pages into an associative array Dependency Badge