
8 total, 8 unknown

Package Required Latest Status
dhii/data-key-value-aware-abstract Traits for objects that are aware of a key, a value, or both. dev-develop unknown
dhii/data-object-abstract Abstract common functionality for data objects dev-develop unknown
dhii/exception-helper-base Base functionality for exception helpers dev-develop unknown
dhii/i18n-helper-base A base for internationalization consumers dev-develop unknown
dhii/iterator-abstract Functionality for iterators that comply with dhii/iterator-interface, or are otherwise based on iteration objects dev-develop unknown
dhii/normalization-helper-base Functionality for normalizing values. dev-task/initial-classes unknown
dhii/tokenizer-abstract Abstract common functionality for tokenizers. dev-develop unknown
dhii/tokenizer-interface Interfaces for tokenizer interoperability. dev-develop unknown

Requires (dev)

4 total, 2 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
codeclimate/php-test-reporter PHP client for reporting test coverage to Code Climate <=0.3.2 v0.4.4 outdated
dhii/php-cs-fixer-config A default PHP CS Fixer config implementation ^0.1 v0.1 up to date
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. ^4.8 11.5.2 outdated
ptrofimov/xpmock PHPUnit: simple syntax to create mock-objects ^1.1 1.1.5 up to date