.Package | Status | |
deliciousbrains/leclient | PHP LetsEncrypt client library for ACME v2 | |
deliciousbrains/spinupwp-composer-site | ||
deliciousbrains/spinupwp-php-sdk | The official SpinupWP PHP SDK | |
deliciousbrains/wp-alert-bars | WordPress must-use plugin for managing alert bars. | |
deliciousbrains/wp-amazon-s3-and-cloudfront | Automatically copies media uploads to a storage provider's bucket for delivery. Optionally configure a CDN for even faster delivery. | |
deliciousbrains/wp-amazon-web-services | Houses the Amazon Web Services (AWS) PHP libraries and manages access keys. Required by other AWS plugins. | |
deliciousbrains/wp-auto-login | WordPress library for generating automatic login URLs for users | |
deliciousbrains/wp-background-processing | WP Background Processing can be used to fire off non-blocking asynchronous requests or as a background processing tool, allowing you to queue tasks. | |
deliciousbrains/wp-filesystem | A wrapper for the WP Filesystem | |
deliciousbrains/wp-image-processing-queue | Resize WordPress images in the background | |
deliciousbrains/wp-migrations | WordPress library for managing database table schema upgrades and data seeding | |
deliciousbrains/wp-post-promoter | WordPress must-use plugin for promoting posts via email and social media. | |
deliciousbrains/wp-post-series | WordPress library for adding a series support to posts. | |
deliciousbrains/wp-post-types | WordPress library for registering, reading and writing custom post types. | |
deliciousbrains/wp-queue | WordPress job queues | |
deliciousbrains/wp-testimonials | WordPress must-use plugin for managing testimonials, importing from tweets and displaying them. |