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Packages from daverandom

Package Status
daverandom/addr Async DNS resolution for Amp. Dependency Badge
daverandom/async-bitly-client Asynchronous bitly API client built on the amp concurrency framework Dependency Badge
daverandom/async-microsoft-translate-client Asynchronous Microsoft Translation API client built on the amp concurrency framework Dependency Badge
daverandom/callback-validator Tools for validating callback signatures Dependency Badge
daverandom/enum A base class for enumerations in PHP Dependency Badge
daverandom/exceptional-json JSON encoding and decoding that throws exceptions on failure Dependency Badge
daverandom/hookable-soap-client A layer to make custom modification of SoapClient requests simpler Dependency Badge
daverandom/jom A DOM-like API for working for JSON Dependency Badge
daverandom/ldapi Simple object oriented wrapper around ext/ldap Dependency Badge
daverandom/lib24x Client SDK for the 24X SMS web service Dependency Badge
daverandom/libdns DNS protocol implementation written in pure PHP Dependency Badge
daverandom/lifx-lan-protocol LIFX LAN protocol implementation Dependency Badge
daverandom/loopio Provides interoperability for components using the React and Alert event loops Dependency Badge
daverandom/mutex Basic common mutex framework for amp Dependency Badge
daverandom/network-primitives Primitive types for network programming Dependency Badge
daverandom/pack Data packing and unpacking API Dependency Badge
daverandom/pecl-pq-stubs Stubs for the PECL/pq extension Dependency Badge
daverandom/program-executor Object-oriented wrapper for PHP program execution functions Dependency Badge
daverandom/resume Tiny library to facilitate resumable downloads Dependency Badge
daverandom/serial Serial device manipulation toolkit Dependency Badge
daverandom/shitwork A shit non-framework Dependency Badge
daverandom/simpleldap Extremely succinct object oriented LDAP client API Dependency Badge
daverandom/www-admin-tools Tools for web server management Dependency Badge
daverandom/xsd-distiller Parses XSD schema documents into data structures Dependency Badge