
4 total, 4 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
doctrine/phpcr-bundle Symfony DoctrinePHPCRBundle ~1.0 3.0.2 outdated
doctrine/phpcr-odm PHP Doctrine Content Repository Object Document Mapper (ODM) provides transparent persistence for PHP objects. ~1.0 2.0.1 outdated
jms/metadata Class/method/property metadata management in PHP ~1.5 2.8.0 outdated
symfony/framework-bundle Provides a tight integration between Symfony components and the Symfony full-stack framework ~2.2 v7.2.4 outdated

Requires (dev)

3 total, 3 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
symfony-cmf/routing-bundle Symfony RoutingBundle ~1.1 3.1.0 outdated
symfony-cmf/testing Component providing tools for writing tests with Symfony. ~1.1 5.0.0 outdated
symfony/monolog-bundle Symfony MonologBundle ~2.2 v3.10.0 outdated