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Packages from cviebrock

Package Status
cviebrock/artisan-hash Adds Artisan tasks to Laravel to work with password hashes from the CLI. Dependency Badge
cviebrock/discourse-php Helper class for building a single sign-on source for Discourse forums Dependency Badge
cviebrock/eloquent-loggable Easy change logging for your Eloquent models in Laravel 5. Dependency Badge
cviebrock/eloquent-log-lazy-loading Log (or disable) Eloquent lazy-loaded relationships. Dependency Badge
cviebrock/eloquent-sluggable Easy creation of slugs for your Eloquent models in Laravel Dependency Badge
cviebrock/eloquent-taggable Easy ability to tag your Eloquent models in Laravel. Dependency Badge
cviebrock/eloquent-typecast Trait for Eloquent models to force type-casting on retrieved values Dependency Badge
cviebrock/guzzle-stripbom-plugin Plug-in for Guzzle that strips BOMs from server responses Dependency Badge
cviebrock/image-validator Custom Laravel Validator for image dimensions - abandoned since these are now built in to Laravel 5.2 and later Dependency Badge
cviebrock/laravel-elasticsearch An easy way to use the official PHP ElasticSearch client in your Laravel applications. Dependency Badge
cviebrock/laravel-elasticsearch-handlers Further easiness when using Elasticsearch with Laravel Dependency Badge
cviebrock/laravel-mangopay Laravel/Lumen wrapper for the office Mangopay SDK library Dependency Badge
cviebrock/laravel-news-sitemap A simple Google News Sitemap generator for Laravel. Dependency Badge
cviebrock/multi-twitter-widget A simple widget that displays only the most recent tweet from multiple accounts. Fork of Dependency Badge
cviebrock/package-checker Tool to check all the composer packages in a project for PHP compatibility. Dependency Badge
cviebrock/sdata-laravel sData connector for Laravel Dependency Badge
cviebrock/twig-group Twig filter that splits an array into a given number of groups (unlike batch, which splits the array based on items per group) Dependency Badge
cviebrock/twig-natural-join Twig filter that joins an array using a different separator for the last element Dependency Badge