
8 total, 8 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
adbario/php-dot-notation PHP dot notation access to arrays ^2.2 3.3.0 outdated
amphp/http-server A non-blocking HTTP application server for PHP based on Amp. ^2.0.0-rc1 v3.4.2 outdated
amphp/http-server-router Routes to request handlers based on HTTP method and path for amphp/http-server. ^1.0 v2.0.0 outdated
amphp/log Non-blocking logging for PHP based on Amp, Revolt, and Monolog. ^1.1 v2.0.0 outdated
amphp/websocket Shared code for websocket servers and clients. ^1.0.0-rc1 v2.0.4 outdated
amphp/websocket-server Websocket server for Amp's HTTP server. ^2.0.0-rc1 v4.0.0 outdated
cspray/yape Type-safe, object-backed enum implementation in userland PHP. ^1.2 3.1.0 outdated
psr/log Common interface for logging libraries ^1.1 3.0.2 outdated

Requires (dev)

2 total, 2 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
amphp/phpunit-util Helper package to ease testing with PHPUnit. ^1.1 v3.0.0 outdated
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. ^8.3 12.0.4 outdated