.Package | Status | |
cspray/annotated-console | An abstraction layer over Symfony Console to easily use Annotated Container in your CLI apps. | |
cspray/annotated-container | Create Dependency Injection containers configured with PHP8 Attributes. | |
cspray/annotated-container-adr | Architectural Decision Records for Annotated Container and its associated libraries. | |
cspray/annotated-container-attribute | Attributes used by Annotated Container, to configure an autowired PSR-11 dependency injection container. | |
cspray/annotated-container-secrets | An Annotated Container ParameterStore to allow injecting configuration values from a variety of sources. | |
cspray/annotated-target | A PHP 8 library for statically parsing Attributes using PHP-Parser. | |
cspray/architectural-decision | A library to keep track of architectural decisions with PHP annotations. | |
cspray/assert-throws | Assertions for PHPUnit when testing code that throws complex exceptions. | |
cspray/blogisthenics | Put your blog generation on a diet with Blogisthenics! | |
cspray/blogisthenics-skeleton | A skeleton repository for easily getting started with Blogisthenics | |
cspray/database-test-case | A PHPUnit TestCase for asserting expectations on a database | |
cspray/http-client-test-interceptor | ||
cspray/http-request-builder | A fluent API to build Requests for use with amphp/http-client | |
cspray/labrador | Core functionality powering Labrador Kennel Applications through Plugins, Events, and Engines | |
cspray/labrador-async-db-test | ||
cspray/labrador-async-event | Trigger semantic application events powered by Amp Event Loop | |
cspray/labrador-async-unit | An async unit and integration testing framework written on top of PHP8 | |
cspray/labrador-coding-standard | A PHP_CodeSniffer ruleset for the coding style in all Labrador packages | |
cspray/labrador-composite-future | Compose Amp Futures and await them however you want with a type-safe CompositeFuture object. | |
cspray/labrador-exceptions | ||
cspray/labrador-http | ||
cspray/labrador-http-cors | An Amp http-server middleware library to facilitate CORS | |
cspray/labrador-styled-byte-stream | Create colorized and formatted terminal text with Amp's OutputStream! | |
cspray/marked-logs | A PSR-3 Logger that will ensure all logs have their context marked with an identifier. | |
cspray/phinal | Enforce final on your classes! | |
cspray/precision-stopwatch | A small library for keeping track of the duration between precise points in time. | |
cspray/stdblog | A set of utilities for creating static sites with Jigsaw | |
cspray/stream-buffer-intercept | A test utility to help capture output sent to stream resources. | |
cspray/typiphy | A small library of value objects and functions for working with PHP's types. | |
cspray/websocket-commands | A micro-framework for creating Applications on top of amphp/websocket-server | |
cspray/yape | Type-safe, object-backed enum implementation in userland PHP. | |
cspray/yape-cli | A Symfony Console tool to help autogenerate your yape Enums. | |
cspray/yape-dbal | An extension of cspray/yape that allows storing generated Enums in your Doctrine Entities |