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Package.Health uses semantic versioning to detect outdated or insecure dependencies in your project's composer.json.

Packages from crunch

Package Status
crunch/cache-control Interact with apc/opcache in FPM-instances Dependency Badge
crunch/fastcgi FastCGI protocol, client and server interfaces and implementations Dependency Badge
crunch/inotify Inotify library Dependency Badge
crunch/one-time-password One-Time-Password (OTP) generator. RFC4226 (HOTP) and RFC6238 (TOTP) complaint. Dependency Badge
crunch/regular-expression Regular Expression library Dependency Badge
crunch/signal process signal handling Dependency Badge
crunch/ssi-bundle Server Side Includes (SSI) fragment renderer for Symfony2 applications Dependency Badge
crunch/state-machine Customizable state machine library Dependency Badge
crunch/user-admin-bundle SonataAdmin integration for use with vanilla-FOSUserBundle models Dependency Badge