
17 total, 9 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
composer/composer Composer helps you declare, manage and install dependencies of PHP projects. It ensures you have the right stack everywhere. ^2.6.2 2.8.6 up to date
crell/api-problem PHP wrapper for the api-problem IETF specification ^3.1 3.7.0 up to date
firebase/php-jwt A simple library to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in PHP. Should conform to the current spec. ^6.0 v6.11.0 up to date
phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock With this component, a library can provide support for annotations via DocBlocks or otherwise retrieve information that is embedded in a DocBlock. ^5.6 5.6.1 up to date
ramsey/uuid A PHP library for generating and working with universally unique identifiers (UUIDs). ^4.0 4.7.6 up to date
spomky-labs/otphp A PHP library for generating one time passwords according to RFC 4226 (HOTP Algorithm) and the RFC 6238 (TOTP Algorithm) and compatible with Google Authenticator ^11.3 11.3.0 up to date
studio24/rotate File rotation utility which rotates and removes old files ^1.0 v1.0.1 up to date
symfony/console Eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces ^6.4 v7.2.1 outdated
symfony/finder Finds files and directories via an intuitive fluent interface ^6.4 v7.2.2 outdated
symfony/framework-bundle Provides a tight integration between Symfony components and the Symfony full-stack framework ^6.4 v7.2.4 outdated
symfony/http-kernel Provides a structured process for converting a Request into a Response ^6.4 v7.2.4 outdated
symfony/monolog-bundle Symfony MonologBundle ^3.3 v3.10.0 up to date
symfony/process Executes commands in sub-processes ^6.4 v7.2.4 outdated
symfony/security-bundle Provides a tight integration of the Security component into the Symfony full-stack framework ^6.4 v7.2.3 outdated
symfony/serializer Handles serializing and deserializing data structures, including object graphs, into array structures or other formats like XML and JSON. ^6.4 v7.2.4 outdated
symfony/yaml Loads and dumps YAML files ^6.4 v7.2.3 outdated
web-auth/webauthn-lib FIDO2/Webauthn Support For PHP ^4.9 5.1.2 outdated

Requires (dev)

3 total, 2 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
bamarni/composer-bin-plugin No conflicts for your bin dependencies ^1.4 1.8.2 up to date
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. ^9.5.19 12.0.5 outdated
symfony/phpunit-bridge Provides utilities for PHPUnit, especially user deprecation notices management ^6.4 v7.2.0 outdated