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Packages from comodojo

Package Status
comodojo/cache PSR-6 and PSR-16 compliant enhanced cache manager across multiple storage engines Dependency Badge
comodojo/comodojo-installer Modular installer for the Comodojo Project Dependency Badge
comodojo/composer-events-handler Dependency Badge
comodojo/cookies Minimalist and extensible library to manage cookies Dependency Badge
comodojo/daemon Solid PHP daemon toolkit Dependency Badge
comodojo/database Multi-database library Dependency Badge
comodojo/dispatcher comodojo/dispatcher framework default project package Dependency Badge
comodojo/dispatcher-assets-loader Assets loader for dispatcher and comodojo frameworks Dependency Badge
comodojo/dispatcher-bundle Dispatcher 4.X default bundle Dependency Badge
comodojo/dispatcher.framework Hackable REST microframework Dependency Badge
comodojo/dispatcher.plugin.gitdoc A plugin to generate documentation automatically from Github with comodojo/dispatcher.framework Dependency Badge
comodojo/dispatcher.plugin.performer Service performance plugin for comodojo/dispatcher.framework Dependency Badge
comodojo/dispatcher.plugin.test Demo content, tests and more for comodojo/dispatcher.framework Dependency Badge
comodojo/dispatcher.plugin.tracer Trace plugin for comodojo/dispatcher.framework Dependency Badge
comodojo/dispatcher.project Composer project template for comodojo/dispatcher.framework Dependency Badge
comodojo/dispatcher.servicebundle.default Default service bundle for comodojo/dispatcher.framework Dependency Badge
comodojo/dispatcher.servicebundle.gitdoc Services used together with dispatcher.plugin.gitdoc to generate documentation with comodojo/dispatcher.framework Dependency Badge
comodojo/dispatcher.servicebundle.test Test service bundle for comodojo/dispatcher.framework Dependency Badge
comodojo/dispatcher.template.bootstrap A simple, bootstrap-based template for comodojo/dispatcher.framework Dependency Badge
comodojo/exceptions Common exceptions for comodojo libs and frameworks Dependency Badge
comodojo/extender Composer project template for comodojo/extender.framework Dependency Badge
comodojo/extender-bundle Extender 2.X default bundle Dependency Badge
comodojo/extender.commandsbundle.default Default commands for comodojo/extender.framework Dependency Badge
comodojo/extender.framework Database driven, multiprocess, (pseudo) cron tasks scheduler Dependency Badge
comodojo/extender.project Composer project template for comodojo/extender.framework Dependency Badge
comodojo/foundation Foundation classes for the comodojo project Dependency Badge
comodojo/httprequest HTTP request library Dependency Badge
comodojo/ldaph poor man's php ldap class Dependency Badge
comodojo/metaweblog A legacy metaweblog-compliant rpc interface Dependency Badge
comodojo/qotd Music quotes to inspire your coding Dependency Badge
comodojo/rpcclient XML and JSON(2.0) RPC client Dependency Badge
comodojo/rpcserver Extensible XML and JSON(2.0) RPC server Dependency Badge
comodojo/wpapi Wordpress XML-RPC API wrapper Dependency Badge
comodojo/xmlrpc Yet another php xmlrpc decoder/encoder Dependency Badge
comodojo/zip PHP ZipArchive toolbox Dependency Badge